PMI106D - Environmental protection output, by producer category |
Definition |
Environment protection expenditure includes all the expenditure for carrying out the activities of environment observation and protection and refers to environment damages prevention or repair. Investments for environment protection include the expenditure made for construction, installations and building works, for equipment, transport means purchasing, other expenditure meant to create new fixed assets for the development, modernization, reconstruction of the already existent ones, having the purpose of environment protection. They also include the value of services related to existent fixed assets and land ownership transfer (taxes, materials, commissions, loading-unloading transport expenditure). Current internal expenditure for environment protection are made of the expenditure for operating, repairs and maintenance of installations and equipment for environment protection by enterprise staff. They include salaries and taxes and material expenditure (raw materials, materials, fuels, energy, water a.s.o.). The current internal expenditure do not include environmental services purchased from thirds. Specific activities of environment protection are grouped as follows: - pollution prevention and reduction (air protection, water protection, waste management, soil and underground waters protection); - natural resources protection and biodiversity preservation (species protection, protected areas, ecological remedy and reconstruction, aquatic environment restoration, prevention of dangerous natural phenomena); - other activities (research-development, environment general administration, noise and vibrations reduction, protection against radiation, education, training, looking for information). Environmental protection output is the result of environmental protection activities, incarnated in market output and non-market output. This is calculated at production costs. The producer categories included belong to the following NACE Rev. 1 divisions and classes: - the public administration sector includes the local government units (division 75) and the central public administration sector (from 2006); - the specialised producers include the units for metal waste and scrap recycling (division 37); units for the collection, purification and distribution of water (division 41); waste and scrap wholesale units (class 5157); sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities (division 90). - the unspecialised producers include units from the following fields: sylviculture (division 02), from 2006, mining, manufacturing industry, electricity, gas and water supply (divisions 10 to 40 with the exception of the divisions and classes mentioned for the specialised producer group); construction units (divisions 45). Secondary output is the environmental protection services for the use of others which can be produced in the form of: such as sewage treatment services - NACE 41, or waste management services - NACE 37. Ancillary output represents the production of environmental protection services for own use Market output represents the environmental services produced by public and private corporations mainly financed by the users of these services. Non-Market output is the production of environmental services intended for individual or collective consumption, mainly financed by general taxes which are not linked to the use of the service. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
The statistical work Satellite accounts of Environmental protection expenditures |
Last update |
FEB 13, 2018 |
Responsible person |
Ene Victor, e-mail: victor.ene@insse.ro, int. 2184 |