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PMI107A - Waste quantities generated, recovered, disposed, by economic activity: Please select the criteria for your query
Classes of waste storage units Waste types by management NACE Rev.1(economic activities) Years MU: Tonnes

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PMI107A - Waste quantities generated, recovered, disposed, by economic activity 
Definition Wastes: any matter or any item of the following kinds: production or consumption residues, expired validity products, discarded substances, industrial manufacturing residues (e.g. slags) that the owner intends or is obliged to dispose of.
Wastes can be generated during the mining and processing of raw materials in order to obtain intermediate or final products throughout the final consumption and any other human activity.
The following are not wastes: residues recycled directly or reused at the place where they are generated; waste not directly discharged into water or released to the environment as emissions.
Industrial waste (production waste): all waste arising from economic activities such as mining; manufacturing; electricity, steam, gas and water supply; water abstraction, treatment and distribution; construction.
Non-hazardous waste: waste that poses no threat to the population's health and environment safety, the related recovery and diposal operations being licenced and controlled by competent authorities with the following purposes:
a) to be risk-free for the population's health and environment elements (water, air, soil, wild life and vegetation);
b) to produce no phonic pollution or unpleasant smells;
c) to have no impact on landscape or protected areas.
Hazardous waste: the definition depends on its impact on environment and human health. The hazardous features of waste are concerned with toxicity, corrosiveness, flammability, explosiveness, infectiousness. The list of hazardous waste was established by the Basel Convention (1989) on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal.
Waste collection: Waste collection, sorting and/or regrouping (temporary storage) for transportation purposes.
Waste recovery: Any operation in the Annex II B to the Emergency Ordinance no. 78/2000 on waste collection regime, changed and completed by the Emergency Ordinance no. 61/Sep 6 2006, for instance: incineration with energy recovery, organic waste recycling or recovery, catalyst recovery and soil spreading for agricultural purposes or ecological rehabilitation including the composting operations and other biological transformation processes.
Waste disposal: Any operation provided in the Annex no. II A to the Emergency Ordinance no. 78/2000 on waste collection regime, modified and completed by the Emergency Ordinance no. 61/Sep 6 2006, of which: ground and underground storage; underground injection; waste discharge into aquatic environment; soil/sea incineration; permanent storage.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical researches on production, colection, treatment, recycling and elimination of waste details 
Methodology The statistical survey on waste generation and management includes both an exhaustive and a sample based component (stratified sample). The strata are made up of the surveyed economic units based on three stratification variables:
- location in the eight development regions
- economic activity indicated through the NACE Rev. 1 classification
- size of the economic units, depending on the number of employees, grouped as follows:
- 1 to 4 employees
- 5 to 9 employees
- 10 to 19 employees
- 20 to 49 employees
- 50 to 99 employees
- 100 to 199 employees
- 200 to 299 employees
- 300 to 399 employees
- 400 to 499 employees
- greater or equal to 500 employees.

The economic units exhaustively surveyed are the following:

- Units with more than 1 employee carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 codes: 10, 11, 13, 40.11, 41, 90;
- Units with more than 10 employees carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 codes: 16, 23, 5157;
- Units with more than 50 employees carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 codes: 27, 37;
- Units with more than 100 employees carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 codes: 14, 21, 24, 25;
- Units with more than 200 employees carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 codes: 28, 29, 34, 35;
- Units with more than 400 employees carrying out economic activities under the following NACE Rev. 1 code: 26;
- Local public administration units carrying out sanitation services under the following NACE Rev. 1 code: 75.12.

The economic units surveyed on a sample basis are the following:

- NACE Rev. 1 code: 14, 1 to 99 employees,
- NACE Rev. 1 code: 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 45, 10 to more than or equal to 500 employees,
- NACE Rev. 1 code: 20, 5 to more than or equal to 500 employees,
- NACE Rev. 1 code: 21, 5 to 99 employees,
- NACE Rev. 1 code: 24, 25, 10 to 99 employees,
- NACE Rev 
Last update APR 14, 2011 
Observations No data available for the period 1990 - 2002, because the statistical survey was carried out since 2003.
In 2007, CANE Rev. 1 "Recovery of waste and recyclable scraps" and "Wholesale of waste and scrap" were taken together, from which we introduced a separate row. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2007. After this period, the series continue with the PMI107B matrix
Responsible person Stan T. Florentina, e-mail:, int. 2474 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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