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PMI108A - Quantities of collected, recovered and disposed municipal waste by macroregions and development regions: Please select the criteria for your query
Solid municipal waste categories Macroregions and development regions Years MU: Tonnes

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PMI108A - Quantities of collected, recovered and disposed municipal waste by macroregions and development regions 
Definition Municipal waste: household waste and other similar waste by nature or composition consisting of : household and similar waste, municipal services waste, construction and demolition waste.
Household and similar waste: mixed domestic waste of the population; domestic and similar waste of the economic units, commercial units, offices, institutions, health care units; household waste collected separately (except for construction and demolition waste); bulky waste collected separately.
Municipal services waste: street waste, market waste, garden/park/green space waste;
Construction and demolition waste: waste arising from the demolition or construction of industrial or civilian buidings, such as rubble and other residual material arising from the construction, demolition, renovation or reconstruction of buildings or parts of them either at the surface or in the underground. They mainly consist of construction material and earth including excavated earth. It includes waste of all kinds and from all activity fields.
Bulky waste: waste which due to its volume requires special management conditions for example durables (white goods), old furniture, mattresses, etc. The construction and demolition waste are excluded.
Waste collection: waste collection, sorting and/or sorting or regrouping (temporary storage) for transportation purposes.
Waste recovery: Any operation mentioned in the Annex II B to the Emergency Ordinance no. 78/2000 on waste collection, changed and completed by the Emergency Ordinance no. 61/ Sep 6 2006, as for instance: organic waste recycling or recovery, soil spreading for agricultural purposes or for ecological rehabilitation including the composting operations and other biological treatment processes.
Waste disposal: Any operation mentioned in the Annex II A to the Emergency Ordinance no. 78/2000 on waste collection, changed and completed by the Emergency Ordinance no. 61/Sep 6 2006, of which: ground storage; biological treatment; permanent storage.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical researches on production, colection, treatment, recycling and elimination of waste details 
Methodology The statistical survey is conducted on an exhaustive basis comprising the units or companies specialised in providing sanitation services (where they exist, if not, by the local town halls and councils equipped with their own waste collection, recovery and disposal services). 
Last update APR 13, 2011 
Observations No data available for the period 1990 - 2002, because the statistical survey was carried out since 2003.
Responsible person Stan T. Florentina, e-mail:, int. 2474 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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