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PMI110A - Wastewater generation by activity sectors: Please select the criteria for your query
Wastewater volume and polutants quantities Activity sectors Years Measure units

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PMI110A - Wastewater generation by activity sectors 
Definition Wastewater represent water used in industrial production processes or in population households, polluted with different substances, discharged into the collecting system, surface water receiver (rivers, lakes and Black Sea) or on various land with or without treatment.
Domestic wastewater represents wastewater resulted from population households generated by the sanitary groups, food processing, clothes washing etc.
Industrial wastewater represents wastewater generated by various industrial processes.
Urban wastewater represents domestic wastewater or a mixture of domestic wastewater with industrial wastewater and/or rain water.
Wastewater collecting system represents a system consisting of canals and pipes which collect the wastewater from many sources in order to be discharged together. The wastewater collecting system can or can not be connected to a wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater treatment plant is an installation or a group of installations achieved or adapted for reducing the quantity of pollutants in wastewater.
Urban wastewater treatment plant removes the pollutants from the urban wastewater compound of a mixture of urban and industrial wastewater. Urban wastewater treatment plants are usually operated by public authorities or by private companies working by order of public authorities.
Industrial wastewater treatment plant removes the pollutants from the industrial wastewater. Industrial wastewater treatment plants are operated by the economical units.
Independent wastewater treatment plant is a mini station for treatment of the wastewater resulted from residential zones or small social or commercial units (hospitals, schools, military units, hotels, shops).
Influent represents the wastewater entering in the wastewater treatment plant.
Effluent represents the wastewater discharged by treatment plant into the receiver, or by a treatment stage.
Biochemical oxygen demand at 5 days BOD the quantity of oxygen consumed for aerobic oxidation by micro-organisms of organic matters at a standard temperature of 200C and a standard time of 5 days.
Chemical oxygen demand COD-Cr (method using potassium dichromate) represents the quantity of oxygen needed for oxidation of organic matters by potassium dichromate in acidic solution
Suspended solids MTS represents insoluble substances in the wastewater which can be separated by filtration, centrifugation or settling (maximum size of 2 mm). 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater details 
Methodology The data are collected through exhaustive statistical survey and take into consideration all the units which are discharging wastewater (treated or not) into natural receivers. 
Last update DEC 17, 2024 
Observations No data available for the period 1990 - 2005, because the statistical survey was carried out since 2006. 
Responsible person Alexandra Tudose, e-mail:, int. 2184 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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