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PMI113A - Wide economy material flow accounts: Please select the criteria for your query
Material flow accounts Years MU: Tonnes, Lei/ tonnes, Tonnes/ lei

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PMI113A - Wide economy material flow accounts 
Definition Material flow accounts are: Domestic extraction (used), Direct material inputs (DMI), Total material input (TMI), Domestic material consumption (DMC), Domestic processed output (DPO), Direct material output (DMO), Total domestic output (TDO), physical trade balance (PTB), Material efficiency, Material intensity, Material productivity, Domestic resource dependency, Trade intensity, Output intensity.
Domestic extraction (used) are defined as all solid, liquid and gaseous materials (excluding water and air but including the water and air content of materials) that enter the economy for further use, either become part of a product or appears as waste during the production or consumption process.
Direct material inputs (DMI) - measures the direct input of materials for use into the economy (all materials which are of economic value and are used in production and consumption activities). DMI equals domestic (used) extraction plus imports.
Total Material Input (TMI) - includes, in addition to DMI, also unused domestic extraction, i.e. materials that are moved by economic activities but that do not serve as input for production or consumption activities (mining overburden, etc.).
Domestic material consumption (DMC) - measures the total amount of material directly used in an economy (used domestic extraction plus imports). DMC equals DMI minus exports.
Domestic Processed Output (DPO) - the total weight of materials, extracted from the domestic environment or imported, which have been used in the domestic economy, before flowing to the environment. These flows occur at the processing, manufacturing, use, and final disposal stages of the production-consumption chain. Included in DPO are emissions to air, industrial and household wastes deposited in landfills, material loads in wastewater and materials dispersed into the environment as a result of product use (dissipative flows). Recycled material flows in the economy (e.g. of metals, paper, glass) are not included in DPO.
Direct Material Output (DMO) - the sum of DPO, and exports. This indicator represents the total quantity of material leaving the economy after use either towards the environment or towards the rest of the world.
Total Domestic Output (TDO) - the sum of DPO, and disposal of unused extraction. This indicator represents the total quantity of material outputs to the environment caused by economic activity.
Physical trade balance (PTB) equals physical imports minus physical exports. The physical trade balance, thus, is defined reverse to the monetary trade balance (which is exports minus imports), taking account of the fact that in economies money and goods move in opposite direction. A physical trade surplus indicates a net import of materials, whereas a physical trade deficit indicates a net export.
Material efficiency measures the material input into economy in relation sheep with GDP.
Material intensity is defined as the DMC to GDP ratio.
Material productivity is the inverse of material intensity, thus the GDP to DMC ratio.
Domestic resource dependency - the ratio of domestic extraction to domestic material consumption indicates the dependence of the physical economy on domestic raw material supply.
Trade intensity - the ratios between imports and DMC indicate the import intensities of the physical economies.
Output intensity is defined as the TDO to GDP ratio.
It includes the amount of materials (domestic extraction and imports) needed to produce the final products used by households, governments or non-profit institutions serving households, or used for gross capital formation. The RMC indicator is known as the ''material footprint''. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources The statistical work concerning Wide economy - Material Flow Accounts details 
Last update JUN 27, 2024 
Observations Data are reviewed yearly for the entire period. 
Responsible person Florina Savu; email:; int. 2339. 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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