PMI114C - Air Pollutant Emissions Accounts, by CANE Rev.2 activities |
Definition |
The indicators of the air pollutant emissions account classify in two classes, namely: - Emissions of CO2, emissions of CO2-bio, emissions of CH4, emissions of N2 ,emissions of PFCs, emissions of HFCs, emissions of SF6, in the class: Emissions of greenhouse gases. - Emissions of SO2, emissions of NOX , emissions of NMVOC, emissions of CO, emissions of NH3. emissions of PM10 , in the class: Classical pollutants emissions.
Emissions of CO2 - is the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 (carbon dioxide) - is a colourless gas present in the Earth's atmosphere to a concentration of approximately 0.04%. It is one of the most important greenhouse gas. According to the IPCC report in 2001, since 1750 there has been an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by 31%. Approximately 75% of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere over the past 20 years are caused by burning fossil fuels. Emissions of CO2-bio - is the amount of carbon dioxide emissions for biomass. Emissions of CH4 - is the amount of methane emissions. CH4 (methane) - is the simplest hydrocarbon in the paraffin series. Colourless, odourless and lighter than air, it burns with a blue flame and it explodes when mixed with air or oxygen. The main component of natural gas, methane gas causes mine gas explosion in the coal mines. The methane released by rotting vegetation in the marshes forms gas which can ignite by spontaneous combustion producing the pale flame that can be seen above the marshes, known in the English-speaking world as Elmo's fire. Emissions of N2O - is the amount of emissions of nitrous oxide to the air. N2O (nitrous oxide) - is 300 times more powerful in creating the greenhouse effect than CO2. It is formed mainly through the microbial transformation of nitrogen in the soil. N2O production increased by anthropogenic influence can be explained by the penetration of larger amounts of nitrogen in soils, especially in the agriculture, industry and road traffic. Emissions of PFC - is the amount of emissions of perfluorocarbons to the air. PFC - organic compound composed of carbon and fluorine which has no more than six carbon atoms in a molecule. Emissions of HFC - hydrofluorocarbons is the amount of emissions to the air. HFC - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and fluorine which has no more than six carbon atoms in a molecule. Emissions of SF6 - is the amount of emissions of sulfur hexafluoride to the air. SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) - is a very inert gas to the side, therefore being used in high voltage installations in the heavy industry, as filling gas for windows soundproofing and for car tyres. SF6 is a gas with the highest potential for producing the greenhouse effect. A tonne of SF6 pollutes the atmosphere to an extent corresponding to approximately 23.900 tonnes of CO2. Emissions of SO2 - is the amount of emissions of sulfur dioxide to the air. SO2 (sulfur dioxide) - is a colourless, bitter, non-flammable, with a pungent odour that irritates the eyes and the respiratory system. Anthropogenic sources of SO2 production: population heating systems without gas, power stations, industrial processes (steel and iron industry, refineries, sulfuric acid production), pulp and paper and, to a lesser extent, emissions from diesel engines . Emissions of NOx - is the amount of emissions of nitrogen oxides to the air. NOx (nitrogen oxides) - are a group of highly reactive gases that contain nitrogen and oxygen in varying amounts. Most nitrogen oxides are colourless and odourless gases . Anthropogenic sources of NOx production: combustion process when fuels are burned at high temperatures, but more often they result from road traffic, industrial activities, production of electricity. Nitrogen oxides are responsible for smog and acid rain, deterioration of water quality, greenhouse effect, reducing visibility in urban areas. Emissions of NMVOC - is the amount of non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions to the air. NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds) - are precursors of oxidizing pollutants in the atmosphere, mainly of tropospheric ozone. The main emission sources of NMVOC are: metal degreasing facilities, facilities for wood impregnation, binder application, dry cleaning, manufacture of beverages, bread making, etc. Emissions of NH3 - is the amount of emissions of ammonia to the air. NH3 (ammonia) - is a colourless gas with pungent odour, soluble in water, lighter than air. The solution of 28% in water called ammonium hydroxide is the current form of use. Ammonia in the environment is detected in the sectors where the residues decompose. In the production processes, ammonia is formed from coal distillation. It is used for oil refining, manufacture of fertilizers, nitric acid, dyes etc.. Emissions of CO - is the amount of emissions of carbon monoxide to the air. CO (carbon monoxide) - is a colourless, odorless, tasteless, of both natural and anthropogenic origin. Carbon monoxide is mainly formed by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Other anthropogenic sources: steel and cast iron production, oil refining, road/air/railway traffic. Emissions of PM10 - is the amount of emissions of particulate matter with diameter <10 micrometers to the air. PM10 is a complex mixture of very small particles and liquid droplets. Anthropogenic sources of production: industrial activity, population heating systems, power plants. The road traffic contributes to the pollution with powders caused both by car tyres both when cars stop and because of incomplete combustion. Emissions of PM 2.5 - is the amount of emissions of particulate matter with diameter <2.5 micrometers to the air. PM2.5 is a complex mixture of very small particles and liquid droplets. These particles generally come from activities that burn fossil fuels, such as traffic, smelting, and metal processing. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
The work Air Pollutant Emissions Accounts details |
Methodology |
Methodology for the Air Pollutant Emissions Account - AEA |
Last update |
DEC 10, 2024 |
Observations |
The greenhouse gas emissions are expressed in tonnes (Mg), except for CO2 and CO2-biomass, which are expressed in thousand tonnes (Gg), and HFC, PFC, SF6 in tonnes CO2-equivalents (Mg) according to the data submitted to Eurostat. The emissions of classic pollutants are expressed in tonnes (Mg) and NOx in tonnes N2O-equivalents (Mg), according to the data submitted to Eurostat. CO2 emissions do not include LULUCF. Data are reviewed yearly for the entire series beginning with 2012 year. |
Continuation |
This matrix represents a continuation of the PMI114B matrix, containing data up to Year 2008. |
Responsible person |
Chiritoiu Adriana, e-mail: adriana.chiritoiu@insse.ro, int.2339 |