POP103C - Legal (de jure) population, by age group, ages, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st - recalculated data - INVALIDA |
Definition |
The permanent residence population of a locality on January 1, includes persons who, on January 1, had permanent residence in the respective locality. The permanent residence population is calculated based on the last census data, corrected with the natural increase of the population and the external and internal migration (change of domicile only) registered between the census and the given moment. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistics from current evidence of population, for data referring to population number and demographic structure |
Methodology |
The inhabitants nummber was recalculated from the data of the Population and Housing Census, March 18, 2002 (558 thousands persons less than the current population statistics). Recalculation was done at county level, by sex and residence areas. The recalculated number of inhabitants at national level resulted from the summing of the county data. |
Last update |
JUN 16, 2009 |
Observations |
Data are available for the period 1992-1994 only total. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2002. |
Responsible person |
Laura Ichim; laura.ichim@insse.ro; int 2433; Manuela Vlaicu; manuela.vlaicu@insse.ro; int 2433 |