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POP107B - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION in working age, by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st.: Please select the criteria for your query
Urban and rural areas Sex Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Persons

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POP107B - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION in working age, by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st. 
Definition Legally resident population represents the number of persons with Romanian citizenship and legal residence on the territory of Romania, delimited by territorial-administrative criteria.
The person's legal residence is the address where he/she declares to have the main dwelling, printed as such on its identity card and registered by the administrative bodies of the State.
To set up the value of this indicator, the usual residence is not taken into account as well as the period and/or reason of absence from domicile. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Legally resident population of Romania (on January 1 and July 1) details 
Methodology The method used to calculate the indicator ''legally resident population'' is the components method:
a) at national level, depending on the balance of natural increase and definitive international migration balance:
P(t+1)= P(t) + N(t,t+1) - D(t,t+1) + Internat def mig balance(t,t+1) + Cv
P(t+1) - population having domicile in the country at the moment t+1;
P(t) - population having domicile in the country at the moment t;
N(t,t+1) - the number of live-births during the (t, t+1) period, whose mothers have had their domicile in Romania at the time of birth;
D(t,t+1) - the number of deceased persons during the (t, t+1) period, who have had their domicile in Romania at the time of death;
Internat def mig balance(t, t+1) - International definitive migration balance (immigrants - emigrants), during the (t, t+1) period;
Cv - adjustment coefficient ages.

b) at territorial level, at various administrative-territorial levels, depending on the balance of natural increase, the balance of definitive international migration and the balance of internal migration with domicile change:
P(t+1)= P(t) + N(t,t+1) - D(t,t+1)+ Internat def mig balance(t,t+1) + Int def mig balance(t,t+1) + Cv
P(t+1) - population having domicile in the country at the moment t+1;
P(t) - population having domicile in the country at the moment t;
N(t,t+1) - the number of live-births during the (t, t+1) period, whose mothers have had their domicile in Romania at the time of birth;
D(t,t+1) - the number of deceased persons during the (t, t+1) period, who have had their domicile in Romania at the time of death;
Internat def mig balance(t, t+1) - International definitive migration balance (immigrants - emigrants), during the (t, t+1) period;
Int def mig balance(t, t+1) - Internal migration balance with domicile change (in-migrants minus out-migrants), during the (t, t+1) period;
Cv - adjustment coefficient ages.

Age is expressed in the years reached during the year (for instance, a person of 24 years old and 11 months at July 1st, is considered to be of 24 years old).

Metadata and quality report
Last update OCT 01, 2024 
Observations The data used to determine legally resident population comes from two types of data sources:
1. administrative sources
Directorate for Personal Records and Database Administration (DEPABD) - National Registry for Persons Evidence:
- data on internal migration, biannual data;
- data on definitive international migration - immigrants, biannual data;
- acquiring and withdrawing of Romanian citizenship, biannual data.
Passports General Directorate:
- definitive international migration data with domicile change to another country - immigrants, biannual data.
2. statistical sources- exhaustive statistical researches on natality and mortality for the number of live births and deceased in the studied period (based on administrative sources).
In order to carry out international comparisons, it will be used only the usually resident population, calculated according to European regulations (Regulation no. 1260/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European demographic statistics and Regulation no. 205/2014 laying down uniformed conditions for the implementation of Regulation no. 1260/2013 on European demographic statistics as regards breakdowns of data, deadlines and data revisions).
For national purposes may be used legally resident population, this one being especially useful for the requirements of national legislation (Law no. 273/2006, Act no. 63/2010, Decision no. 410/1991).
The working age are:
For 1990, until 2000, 16-54 years old for women and 16- 59 years for man;
For 2001, until 2009, 16-57 years old for women and 16- 62 years for man;
For 2010 - 16-58 years old for women and 16- 63 years for man;
For 2011-2015 - 16-59 years old for women and 16- 64 years for man;
For 2016-2019 - 16-60 years old for women and 16-65 years for man.
Starting with 2020 - 16-61 years old for women and 16-65 years for man.
The statistical data are revised constantly, according to the Revision Policy of INS. 
Responsible person Laura Ichim;; int 2433; Manuela Vlaicu;; int 2433 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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