POP203A - Fertility rate by urban/ rural area, mother's age group, macroregions, development regions and counties |
Definition |
General fertility rate is the ratio between the number of live-births in a year and the female population aged 15 to 49 years at the 1st of July from the current statistics of the respective year, and is expressed by the number of live-births by 1000 women of fertile age (15 to 49 years).
Total fertility rate is calculated both for the whole fertile contingency and for five-year groups. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on birth rate details |
Methodology |
General fertility rate is computed from the live-births numbers per 1000 women aged 15 to 45 years old.
The total fertility rate represents the average number of children that would be born to a woman during her fertile lifetime, conforming to fertility rates of a given year.
It is computed based on the feminine population (15-49 years) by permanent residence at July 1st and is broken down by five-years age groups.
Metadata and quality report
Last update |
OCT 21, 2024 |
Observations |
Data presented since 1992 have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Permanent residence population at July 1st indicator, for the period following 1992.
Until 2011, the number of live-biths included live-births whose mothers have their permanent residence in Romania and whose birth was recorded at Civil Status Offices in Romania.
Beginning with 2012 are included live-births whose mothers have either their permanent residence or their usual residence in Romania and whose birth was recorded at Civil Status Offices in Romania.
Permanent resident population at July 1st in the reference year represents the number of persons with Romanian citizenship and permanent residence in territory of Romania, delimited by territorial administrative criteria.
The person's permanent residence is the address where he/she declares to have the main dwelling, printed as such on its identity card and registered by the administrative bodies of the State.
To set up the value of this indicator, the usual residence is not taken into account as well as the period and/or reason of absence from permanent residence.
Data presented for 1990 and 1991 were computed using the historic population series at July 1st (Population - long time series).
The statistical data are constantly revised, according to the Revision Policy of INS.
Thus, the data for 2021 have been modified and are of "revised".
Data prior to 2021 will not be revised.
The revised data on vital events (live-births) for the year T represents the absolute final data related to vital events (live-births) recorded in year T, to which were added vital events (live-births) belatedly recorded in years (T+1), (T+2) and the first four months of (T+3), but that occurred in year T. |
Responsible person |
Bunea Georgiana, georgiana.bunea@insse.ro; Mondiru Dragos, dragos.mondiru@insse.ro tel.0213181824/2027 |