POP208E - Deaths under 1 year having their usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties |
Definition |
Deaths under 1 year old are persons whose vital functions completely stopped before reaching the age of 1 year old. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on mortality details |
Methodology |
Territorial breakdown was made by mother's (parent) usual residence or legal representative.
Metadata and quality report
Last update |
OCT 21, 2024 |
Observations |
The starting year for the data series is 2012.
For 2012 and 2013 were included only those persons aged less than 1 year whose mothers (legal tutor) had her permanent residence in Romania, and whose death occurred in Romania, regardless of the country of usual residence, and their territorial breakdown was carried out by the last permanent residence.
Beginning with 2014, only the deceased under 1 year of age whose mothers (legal tutor) had their usual residence in Romania were considered.
Usual residence means the place at which a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage or, in default, the place of legal or registered residence.
Usual residence can be the same with the permanent residence, or might be different for those persons that choose to settle their usual residence in another locality than the permanent residence one.
The following persons are considered to have their usual residence in Romania:
(i) those that inhabited at the usual residence for an uninterrupted period of 12 months before the reference date, or
(ii) those who settled at the usual residence at least 12 months before the residence date, with the intention of staying for at least one whole year.
The statistical data are constantly revised, according to the Revision Policy of NIS.
Thus, the data for 2021 have been modified and are of "revised".
Data prior to 2021 will not be revised.
The revised data on vital events (infant deaths) for the year T represents the absolute final data related to vital events (infant deaths) recorded in year T, to which were added vital events (infant deaths) belatedly recorded in years (T+1), (T+2) and the first 4 months of (T+3), but that occurred in year T. |
Responsible person |
Bunea Georgiana, georgiana.bunea@insse.ro; Mondiru Dragos, dragos.mondiru@insse.ro tel.0213181824/2027 |