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TEMPO - HOME >>> PRICES Press releases >>> PPA102B - Select criteria
PPA102B - Average purchase prices of the main agricultural products per total country and by counties, by years and during cumulated periods (1.01-31.03; 1.01-30.06; 1.01-30.09; 1.01-31.12) : Please select the criteria for your query
The nomenclature of agricol products bought from agricultural producers Counties Periods Measure units

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PPA102B - Average purchase prices of the main agricultural products per total country and by counties, by years and during cumulated periods (1.01-31.03; 1.01-30.06; 1.01-30.09; 1.01-31.12)  
Definition Average prices of the main agricultural products purchased by economic operators (processors/traders/agricultural trading companies) 
Periodicity Annual
Data sources Statistical survey on prices agricultural products details 
Methodology The average purchase prices of agricultural products are calculated, at product-county/product-country level, as the ratio between the sum of the values and the sum of the quantities of the products bought by economic units (processors/traders/agricultural trading companies) from agricultural producers.
Prices have the following characteristics: they reflect the first stage of product marketing (direct purchases from agricultural producers), they are unitary values, they do not include transport or storage costs, etc., they do not include subsidies on products nor VAT. 
Last update APR 12, 2007 
Observations For the products wheat and rye, wheat, rye, barley and two-row barley, barley, two-row barley, oats, maize grains, sunflower, soya, cow and buffalo cow milk, ewe and goat milk, the average prices (both at product-country level and at product-county level) are calculated taking into account the physical quantities (the quantities of the purchased products are not recalculated in accordance with the quality indices).
For the period 1990-2000 there are no data available because the main goal of the statistical survey, in that period was the collection of the data concerning the prices for elaboration of index. The methodology for the collection of the data concerning the prices and the evolution of them by index prices presents the next differences:
- the structure of products and economic operators included in the survey nomenclatures
- the method used for calculation of average prices
Last period of this series: Year 2003. After this period, the series continue with the PPA102C. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2003. After this period, the series continue with the PPA102C matrix
Responsible person Ion Tucma, interior 1277, 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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