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TEMPO - HOME >>> PRICES Press releases >>> PPI103S - Select criteria
PPI103S - Industrial production price indices for total (domestic and non-domestic market) by activities (divisions) CANE Rev. 2 and by main industrial groups - monthly evolution - 2010 = 100 - ARHIVA: Please select the criteria for your query
CANE Rev.2 - activities industry - division Months MU: Percentage

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PPI103S - Industrial production price indices for total (domestic and non-domestic market) by activities (divisions) CANE Rev. 2 and by main industrial groups - monthly evolution - 2010 = 100 - ARHIVA 
Definition The Industrial Production Price Index (IPPI) measures the overall evolution of prices for the industrial products/services manufactured and delivered during the first marketing stage by domestic producers during a certain period (called current period) as against a previous period (called base or reference period). 
Periodicity Monthly 
Data sources Statistical selective survey on industrial production prices details 
Methodology The coverage of the industrial production price index is represented by all the products manufactured and sold (on the domestic and/or non-domestic market) by economic operators whose main activity is included in the CANE Rev.2 divisions: 05 - 36.
The industrial production price index almost fully covers the mining and quarrying sector and the manufacturing sector, as well as the energy sector.
According to EC Council Regulation No. 1165/98 amended by Parliament and Council Regulation No. 1158/2005 concerning short-term statistics, the index calculation does not include:
- mining of uranium and thorium ores;
- processing of nuclear fuel;
- manufacture of weapons and ammunition;
- building of ships and boats;
- manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery;
- manufacture of military fighting vehicles;
- sewerage;
- waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery;
- remediation activities and other waste management services;
- production manufactured and delivered within the same enterprise (domestic consumption).
The prices do not include VAT.
The industrial production price index is a Laspeyres-type index and is determined on the basis of a system of constant weightings.
The weighting values by destinations for all aggregation levels were set based on the Annual Statistical (Structural) Business Survey from reference year 2010.
The industrial production price indices for total is calculated as a weighted arithmetic mean of the industrial production price indices for domestic market and the industrial production price indices for non-domestic market, on each level of aggregation (class, division, section, total industry).
Last update FEB 13, 2018 
Observations The main nomenclatures used in the calculation of the industrial production price index are:
- nomenclature of economic operators - the main data source for building up the sample of economic operators is represented by the Annual Statistical (Structural)Bussiness Survey from reference year 2010. Based on the data from this statistical survey, the economic operators are ordered in a descending manner by turnover in each CANE Rev.2 activity class. The economic operators whose turnover represents at least 70% of the total CANE Rev.2 class are kept in the sample.
- nomenclature of products - the monitoring and recording of the prices of the assortments manufactured and delivered by the economic operators included in the sample will be based on an unique nomenclature of industrial products - PRODROM which characterises the activity of sections B, C, D and E from CANE Rev. 2. The product included in the nomenclature represents the first aggregation level of the component assortments characterising the movement of industrial production prices.
- nomenclature of assortments - the assortment is a material good resulting from a well-defined manufacturing technological process, having specific technical and functional characteristics. The assortment represents the elementary level at which the price associated to transactions is monitored.
The data are available starting with 2005. 
Interruption Last period of this series: December 2017.
Responsible person Secareanu C Adina Gabriela; interior 1079; e-mail: 

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