PSC1071 - Turnover volume indices in market services rendered to the population, unadjusted series - base year 2021 |
Definition |
The net turnover is calculated by summing up the invoiced returns from the sale of goods and commodities, the performance of works and services. Turnover does not include VAT, excise duties, subsidies received from public authorities or EU institutions and income from sale or transfer of fixed assets. Market services rendered to the population include the following activities: hotels and restaurants, travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities, gambling and other recreation activities, hairdressing and other beautifying activities, washing and (dry) cleaning of textile and fur products, funeral activities, body building and other services for natural persons (class of CANE Rev.2: 9603, 9604, 9609,9313). |
Periodicity |
Monthly |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on turnover in industry details |
Methodology |
Turnover volume indices are of Laspeyres type and are calculated as deflated weighted indices, according to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission implementing regulation (EU)2020/1197. In order to express the values of the current period in the prices of the reference period, deflator consumer price indices are used. The first indices obtained are at class/group level of CANE Rev.2, and then by successive aggregations the indices at aggregated levels are obtained. The weights used for aggregation are calculated based on the gross value added at the cost of factors calculated (GVACF) according to the results of the Structural Business Survey (2021). Turnover indices are provisional and can be reviewed periodically, based on the corrections done retroactively by the enterprises included in the sample on the data previously filled in. Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
DEC 19, 2024 |
Observations |
The data are available starting with 2005. |