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PSC107A - Turnover of volume indices of market services rendered to the population (2000=100): Please select the criteria for your query
Strata activities CANE Rev.1 of services rendered to the population Months MU: Percentage

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PSC107A - Turnover of volume indices of market services rendered to the population (2000=100) 
Definition The net turnover is calculated by summing up the invoiced returns from the sale of goods and commodities, the performance of works and services. Turnover does not include VAT, excise duties, subsidies received from public authorities or EU institutions and income from sale or transfer of fixed assets. Market services rendered to the population include the following activities: hotels and restaurants, travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities, gambling and other recreation activities, hairdressing and other beautifying activities, washing and (dry) cleaning of textile and fur products, funeral activities, body building and other services for natural persons (class of CANE Rev.2: 9603, 9604, 9609,9313). 
Periodicity Monthly 
Data sources Statistical researches on short-term indicators in industry, constructions and services 
Methodology The Classification of Activities in the National Economy Strata -CANE Rev.1
Strata 1 - Total
Strata 2 Div. 55 Hotels and restaurants
Strata 3 Group 927 Gambling and other recreation activities
Strata 4 Class 6330 Activities of travel agencies and tour operators, activities of touristic assistence
Strata 5 Class 9302 Hairdresser and other beauty activities
Strata 6 Class 9301 Laundry, cleaning and dyeing textiles and furs.
Turnover volume indices are calculated under methodological conditions and comparable prices. Deflator price indices are used for the values of current period in the prices of the reference period. They are calculated by successive aggregations, starting from price indices for services corresponding to each activity, these indices being calculated based on the monthly surveys of consumer prices.

For a methodological harmonisation with the statistical system of the European Union, the monthly surveys on market services pursue as statistical indicator, turnover of enterprises net of VAT, having these main activities.
Turnover indices are provisional and could be periodically rectified, based on the retroactive corrections of enterprises in the sample, on the previously completed data.
Last update FEB 12, 2009 
Observations Since 2000, the statistical survey regarding the turnover from trade services has carried out according to Eurostat recommendations. 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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