PSC108L - Turnover production indices in market services rendered to enterprises, working day adjusted series - base year 2015 |
Definition |
The net turnover is calculated by summing up the invoiced returns from the sale of goods and commodities, the performance of works and services. Turnover does not include VAT, excise duties, subsidies received from public authorities or EU institutions and income from sale or transfer of fixed assets. Market services mainly rendered to enterprises include the following services: services of transport, post and courier, publishing activities, cinema production, video and TV programs, broadcasting of programs, telecommunications, activities of services in information technology, activities of information services, juridical and accounting activities, architecture and engineering, publicity and activities of market study, professional, scientific and technical activities, labour force service activities, investigation and protection activities, cleaning activities, secretariat, support services, real estate activities, renting and leasing activities. |
Periodicity |
Monthly |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on turnover in trade and services details |
Last update |
FEB 23, 2024 |
Observations |
Data are available starting with 2015. In order to express the values from the current period in the prices of the reference period, deflationary price indices are used according to each division (consumer price index, production price indices in services, residential property price indices and earnings indices). |