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TEMPO - HOME >>> POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Press releases >>> PTT111A - Select criteria
PTT111A - Radio and television translators, by types, ownership, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Types of radiocommunications Macroregions, development regions and counties Years Measure units

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· The measuring units are all selected by default, to prevent empty results when combining uncompatible requests (for example, one may ask for production of corn measured in liters; or a value in ROL after the denomination in 2005). You are free to modify the selection, just be careful. Thank you!
PTT111A - Radio and television translators, by types, ownership, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition Public radio and television repeaters are the installations that re-broadcast the TV programmes of the Romanian Radio-Television stations in areas which are otherwise inaccessible to TV stations due to the geographic environment (depressions, mountain relief) or to the great distance from the station broadcasting the programmes.  
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Audio-visual National Council 
Last update APR 27, 2009 
Observations The data source is Audio-Visual National Council which provided data starting with 1991. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2007.
Responsible person Turcanu Alida;; tel.0213181827/1440 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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