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SAN101B - Sanitary units, by category of units, ownerships, counties and localities: Please select the criteria for your query
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SAN101B - Sanitary units, by category of units, ownerships, counties and localities 
Definition The sanitary units represent the total units that assure medical assistance of population for curative and prophylactic care through the following public and private medical units: hospitals, dispensaries, polyclinics, sanatoria, diagnosis and curative centres, integrated ambulatories of the hospitals and specialized ambulatories, preventoria, family doctors offices, dentist offices, medical school/student offices, medical laboratories, pharmacies and pharmaceutical points etc.
The hospitals are health care units for the public use (public, public with private departments or private), with beds, having legal status, providing medical services to in-patient or outpatient persons in order to ensure health status of population. According to the health reform law they offer preventive, curative, recovery and/or palliative medical services. The organizational structure of a hospital may include as appropriate: sections, laboratories, diagnostic services and treatment services, departments, technical, economics or administrative offices, pre-hospitalization assistance and emergency transportation, emergency arrivals units.The hospital structure may include the following services: specialized ambulatory services, one day hospitalization, home care and paraclinical ambulatory services. The hospitals are required to operate the research and medical education activity (RME) for the physicians, nurses and other categories of personnel.
The health and social care units are the specialized public institutions, with beds, and legal status, under the local administration providing health and social care services for patients with medical and social needs.
Medical offices are the medical units, with or without legal status, that provide private or public services of human preventative, curative, recovery and emergency medicine. The health services are provided by general practitioners, family doctors, dentists, medical specialists and other categories of authorized medical personnel in medical offices. The medical offices maybe: medical school/student offices, general practitioner offices, family doctors offices, health specialized offices and dentist offices.
Family doctors' offices provide health care services for the patients covered by health social insurance, for those who are on the family doctor's own list or on other health practitioners' lists and for other patients without health insurance. The family doctors' offices have as legal representative a family doctor.
General practitioner offices are medical units that provide primary health care medical services for patients covered by the social health insurance. The general practitioner offices have as legal representative a physician specialized in general medicine.
Dentist offices provide dental preventive and/or curative services. There are dentist offices working as unique entity or groups of offices in dentist clinics.
Health specialized offices offer ambulatory health care. These offices provide health curative services for a certain medical services. Generally, the health specialized offices are working as a single specialty, but there are cases when several specialities are joined together.
Medical school/student offices are the health establishments functioning in the framework of schools and universities providing general preventive, curative, emergency health care for enrolled pupils/students.
The dispensaries represent the medical establishments for ambulatory services, in which physicians, with the ancillary medical staff, provide curative or prophylactic medical assistance services and monitor the patients.
Integrated ambulatory of the hospital is the medical structure organized within the health care units with beds, providing ambulatory medical assistance, which includes health specialized centers corresponding to the specialties of the departments and compartments with beds, as well as the offices of other medical specialties, as necessary, in order to provide a complex health care. The integrated ambulatory of the hospital is part of the hospital structure, the doctors work in an integrated system, using jointly the technical facilities, in accordance with the legislation in force on preventing nosocomial infections, in order to increase the accessibility of patients to various and complete medical services. The ambulatory health services will be recorded and reported separately. The integrated ambulatory of the hospital is organized within the hospital building, usually on the ground floor or in a building belonging to the health care unit, with the observance of the organizational and functional provisions under the law in force.
Specialized ambulatories are medical establishments, with or without legal status, that provide specialized medical services to the out-patients. The medical services provide are as follows: preventive, curative, recovery and emergency services.They also provide medical education activities.
The pharmacy is a commercial company organized for the purpose of providing medicines and other sanitary materials retail services.
The pharmaceutical point provides pharmaceutical assistance to the population, through drug retail services, selling cosmetics, parapharmaceutical products, medical devices and equipment for personal use and related supplies, dietary supplements and special purpose foods and other products for use in some pathological conditions, except selling homeopathic products, available only on medical prescription.
Polyclinics are medical units with or without legal status, providing ambulatory health care to patients. Polyclinics units run under the public system (free of charge or with payment) or in the private system and they provide medical services such as: prevention, curative and emergency services.
Diagnosis and curative centres are sanitary units that provide ambulatory health care services having powers, mainly in diagnose, outpatient treatment and therapeutic recommendations.
Creches are public or private institutions providing specialized care services, early education and supervision of health and hygiene of children aged up to 4 years. The schedule for creches is either daily or weekly basis.
Since 2014,creches are no longer pursued in the statistical survey SAN.
Sanatoria are the medical units with beds, providing health care using natural curative factors, in association with other procedures, techniques and therapies. Sanatoria are the units with legal status organized as follows: TB sanatoria, neurosis sanatoria, or balneotherapy sanatoria for various specialties (locomotory deficiencies, mental illnesses, cardio-vascular, digestive, renal diseases, etc.).
Preventoria are sanitary units with beds, with legal status, that assure prevention of tuberculosis for children and young people as well as for the clinically stabilized and non contagious T.B. cases.
Health care centers with hospital beds are sanitary units, with beds, that provide specialized health care for persons from several neighbouring localities, for at least two medical specialties.
The blood transfusion centers comprise any structure that is responsible for every stage of collecting and testing the human blood and blood components, whatever their intended purpose and with their processing, preparation and distribution when intended for transfusion; this definition does not include blood transfusion units of the hospitals.
Health specialized centers are sanitary units, with legal status, providing ambulatory medical specialized services and signing contracts with the health insurance houses. They can also develop education and medical research activities, guidance and methodological coordination in their fields of activity, as well as activities of continuous medical education.
Medical civilian societies are medical offices that may be established by two or more physicians with free practice, associated under a contract in a written form in order to constitute a civil society.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey carried out in sanitary units details 
Methodology In Health care units (including units assimilated to hospitals) only day care hospitalisation services are included health centers, medical centers, diagnostic and treatment centers, institutes, medical clinics, diagnostic and treatment centers with hospital beds, specialized medical centers with hospital beds only for day admission. Starting in 2022, health centers with only day beds are included in this indicator. 
Last update JUL 03, 2024 
Observations For the period 1997-1999, the item '' Specialized ambulatories'' contains data about the consultation services of the hospitals.
The number and name of localities are in accordance with the administrative territorial structure updated for the current year.
For period 1990-1994, in SAN101A matrix the data on category of units, ownership and counties can be found.
For period 1990-1994, there are not available data for locality level because the collection was carried out only at county level.
Since 2007 the balneary sanatoria include the psychiatry and neuropsyhiatry sanatoria.
Until 2005, the data for medical laboratories and dentist laboratories included only private sector units. Since 2006 the data include also medical laboratories and dentist laboratories from the public sector.
Until 2021, ambulatory health centers and health centers with hospital beds (continuous hospitalization and/or day hospitalization) were included in the health centers. Starting with 2022, the indicator refers only to ambulatory health centers.Starting from 2022, health centers with hospital beds will be added to hospitals.
In the number of general practitioner offices, family doctors offices, dentist offices, health specialized offices, there are not included offices from other sanitary units structure, such as: polyclinics, medical civil societies, diagnosis and curative centers.
Since 2014, creches are no longer pursued in the statistical survey SAN. Only the number of medical staff in nurseries is collected.
Starting with 2020, the title of the research was modified to ''The activity of the medical and healthcare protection network" The survey title was modified in 2020 for a better understanding of the survey coverage.

Responsible person Gusicov I Delia Mihaela, tel 0213181879, 0213181824/42, int 1879, 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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