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SAN102A - Number of the beds from sanitary units, related to certain medical specialities (at the end of year): Please select the criteria for your query
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SAN102A - Number of the beds from sanitary units, related to certain medical specialities (at the end of year) 
Definition The number of beds from sanitary units represent inventary beds in in-patient units, authorized to legally operate. There are registered the beds in hospitals, preventoria and health centers, socio-medical units, beds in Tuberculosis sanatoria, in neurosis or neuropsychiatry sanatoria, in balneary sanatoria and creches.
The number of hospital beds represents the authorized inventory beds used to hospitalize patients for diagnosis and curative services or for maternity and neonatal services. The number of hospital beds also includes the beds for newborn children in hospitals or obstetrics-gynaecology section; the beds for accompanying persons are not included.
Hospital beds for children comprise the beds in pediatric departments and hospitals, as well as the beds for children from other hospitals.
The number of hospital beds for internal medicine includes the beds for: internal medicine (including the beds for non-tubercular pulmonology in internal medicine departments), endocrinology, professional diseases, cardiology, rheumatology, diabetes, nutritional and metabolic diseases, gastroenterology and haematology; surgery includes the beds for: general surgery; jaw-face surgery; infant surgery; plastic surgery; cardiovascular surgery; neurosurgery; thorax-lung surgery; endocrine surgery; oncologic surgery; orthopaedics and urology; in psychiatry and neuropsychiatry includes the beds for psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and neuro-psycho-motor recovery; in tuberculosis and pulmonology includes the beds for non-tubercular pulmonology in TB wards and the beds for TB pulmonology; pediatrics include beds for pediactric and distrophies patients (pediatric recovery) and non-tuberculat pulmonology in paediatrics; pediatrics includes the beds for pediactrics and distrophies (pediatric recovery) and non-tuberculat pulmonology in paediatrics; in other medical specialities includes the beds for chronivally ill persons, geriatrics, gerontology, general medicine and the beds in other hospital departments.
The beds of the sanitary units for disabled persons are not included.
In hospital beds category are included only beds for continuous and day cases hospitalization.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey carried out in sanitary units details 
Methodology The number of hospital beds for internal medicine includes beds for: internal medicine (including beds for non-tuberculosis pneumology in the internal medicine wards) , endocrinology, professional diseases, cardiology, rheumatology, diabets, nutritional and metabolic diseases, gastroenterology, haematology and nephrology; surgery includes beds for: general surgery; jaw-face surgery; infant surgery; plastic surgery; cardiovascular surgery; neurosurgery; thorax-lung surgery; endocrine surgery, oncologic surgery, orthopaedics and urology; psychiatry and neuro-psychiatry specialities includes beds for psychiatry and neuro-psycho-motor recovery; pediatrics includes beds for pediactrics, and distrophies (pediatric recovery) and non-tuberculosis pneumology in pediatrics wards; tuberculosis and pneumology specialties include non-tuberculosis pneumology beds in TB wards and TB pneumology beds; other medical specialties include beds for chronic diseases, geriatrics and gerontology, general medicine and beds in other wards. 
Last update JUL 03, 2024 
Observations For 1990 - 2005 period, there are included hospital beds only from the public sector units. Since 2006, the data include also hospital beds from the private sector.
Starting with 2020, the title of the research was modified to ''The activity of the medical and healthcare protection network" The survey title was modified in 2020 for a better understanding of the survey coverage.
Responsible person Gusicov I Delia Mihaela, tel 0213181879, 0213181824/42, int 1879, 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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