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SAN104B - Healthcare staff, by categories, ownerships, counties and localities: Please select the criteria for your query
Categiries of medical staff Type of ownership Counties Localities Years MU: Persons

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SAN104B - Healthcare staff, by categories, ownerships, counties and localities 
Definition The healthcare staff represents the total number of specialized medico-sanitary personnel who have activity in health care units, medico-pharmaceutics education and in the scientific research medical units in both public and private sectors. The medical-sanitary staff is recorded only once, at the health unit where they work full time norm. The medical-sanitary staff consists of:
- medical staff with tertiary level of education
- healthcare staff with upper secondary / post-secondary non-tertiary education;
- auxiliary healthcare staff.
Since 1993 the number of medical-sanitary staff also comprises medical personnel from ministries and institutions with their own sanitary network, as: Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Defense etc. The medical sanitary staff includes also the medical personnel of the sanitary units for disabled persons.
The healthcare staff with upper secondary / post-secondary non-tertiary education ancillary medical staff includes: medical assistants, pharmacy assistants, medical nurses, sanitary technicians, medical officiants, midwives, laboratory assistants and other categories of medical staff with equivalent upper secondary level of education.
The auxiliary healthcare staff include: nurses, disinsection, disinfection and raticide staff , stretcher bearers, washers, gypsum, mud, ambulance staff and other medical staff similarly with the auxiliary medical staff.
Physicians examine, diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, infections, injuries and other human physical and mental impairments, applying the principles and procedures of modern medicine. Physicians plan, supervise and assess the implementation of care and treatment plans by other health care services providers, coordinate the medical training and research activities (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania - COR).
According to The Law No. 95/2006, the physician profession is mainly aimed to ensure health by preventing diseases, promoting, maintaining and recovering individual and community health. In Romania the physician profession is exercised by natural persons holding an official qualification in medicine, members of the Romanian College of Physicians. Monitoring and controlling the exercise of the physician profession is done by the College of Physicians and the Ministry of Health.
Family physicians diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, infections, injuries and other human physical and mental impairments, applying the principles and procedures of modern medicine. Their activity is not limited to certain disease categories or methods of treatment and they may assume responsibility for a proper and continuous provision of health care to persons, families and communities (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania ' COR).
According to The Law No. 95/2006, the family physician is the health care provider who coordinates and integrates health care services provided to the patients by himself or by other health care providers.
Dentists diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, injuries and dental anomalies of the mouth, jaws and connected tissues, applying the principles and procedures of modern dentistry. They use a large range of diagnose, surgery and other specialized techniques to promote and recover oral health (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania - COR).
According to The Law No. 95/2006 the dentist profession aims to ensure public and individual health by preventing, diagnosing and treating of diseases and oro-maxillo-facial dento-maxillary anomalies and adjacent tissues, carried out in compliance with the Dentist's Code of Ethics. In Romania the dentist profession is exercised by natural persons holding an official qualification in dentistry, members of the College of Dentists of Romania. Monitoring and controlling the exercise of the dentist profession is done by the College of Dentists of Romania and the Ministry of Public Health.
Pharmaceutical chemists store, keep, combine and distribute medical products and offer advises on the proper use and side effects of the medicines prescribed by the physicians and other health specialists. They contribute to the research, test preparation, prescription and monitoring of the medical therapies to optimize human health (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania - COR). 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey carried out in sanitary units details 
Methodology Since 1993, in the number of the medical-sanitary staff comprises also medical personnel from ministries with their own sanitary network, as: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Defence etc. The medical-sanitary staff includes also, the medical personnel from sanitary units for persons with disabilities and from the residential units for the elderly.
Metadata and quality report  
Last update NOV 04, 2024 
Observations The number and name of localities are in accordance with the administrative territorial structure updated for the current year.
Starting with 2020, the title of the research was modified to ''The activity of the medical and healthcare protection network" The survey title was modified in 2020 for a better understanding of the survey coverage. 
Responsible person Gusicov I Delia Mihaela, tel 0213181879, 0213181824/42, int 1879, 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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