SCL103I - Enrolled population, by level of education, urban/ rural area |
Definition |
Enrolled population - all children in nurseries and kindergartens and students enrolled in the formal training and educational process during a school/academic year, regardless of the educational form (full-time, evening classes, part-time classes, or distance learning), study programme or age.
The education level according to the International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) are as follows:
1. Early childhood education corresponds to level 01 of the new International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 2011, and includes children aged 0 to 2. Data are available as of the school year 2014/2015.
2. Pre-primary education - level 0 as per the ISCED 97 classification used until 2013 - includes children aged 3-6 and over; as of 2013, pre-primary education - level 02 as per the ISCED 2011 classification - usually refers to children aged 3-5 and over. The pre-primary educational units are the followings:
- long daily program kindergartens;
- weekly program kindergartens;
- normal program kindergartens;
- kindergartens for children with disabilities;
3. Primary level of education - level 1 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - the main function is to provide basic education; duration of primary level of education is 4 years ( 5 years as of the 2012/2013 school year) and enrolled students usually have 7-10 years of age and over (6-10 years of age and over as of the 2012/2013 school year; this level of education is being carried out only full-time, being part of the compulsory education;
4. Lower secondary level of education level 2 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - access to this level of education is based on at least 4 years of previous education ( V-VIII grades); students enrolled in this level of education are usually aged from 11 to14 and over; this level of education is part of compulsory education and is being carried out full-time or part-time. After passing the national test at the end of the last school year of this level of education, students are awarded the diploma called Certificat de test national (capacitate) - 8th grade graduation exam certificate.
5. Special Education (for students with disabilities) - primary level of education - level 1 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) and lower secondary level of education - level 2 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - includes the educational institutions for children with disabilities are enrolled in order to attend education and rehabilitation according to their disabilities. Since 1990, data are available at regional and county level.
6. Upper secondary level of education - level 3 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - duration of this level of education is 4-5 school years (IX-XII/ XIII classes); it provides specialized education for students usually aged 15-18. Graduation of lower secondary level of education is required for enrollment in the first year of upper secondary level of education, based on a Diploma de capacitate - 8th grade graduation exam diploma. After passing the school-leaving examination in the end of last school year of this level of education, the students receive the diploma named Diploma de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma). This level of education is being carrying out as full-time classes, evening classes, part-time classes, and there are also the distance learning courses.
7. Upper secondary level of education - vocational - level 3 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - duration of this level of education is 1-4 school years and includes students usually aged 15-18 and over. This level of education is being carrying out as full-time classes, evening classes, and part-time classes. Graduation of lower secondary level of education is required for enrollment in the first year of upper secondary level of education, whether the graduate holds a Diploma de test national (capacitate) - 8th grade graduation exam diploma or not. Upper secondary level of education - vocational is being carried out in the following types of educational units:
- vocational schools
- apprentice schools
- vocational schools for students with disabilities
- rehabilitation schools
8. Post-secondary non-tertiary level of education - level 4 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - duration of this level of education is of 2-3 school years, and includes students usually aged 19-21 and over. Graduation of upper secondary level of education is required for registration in the first year of post-secondary non-tertiary level of education, whether holding a Diploma de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) or not. This level of education is is being carrying out as full-time classes, evening classes and part-time classes. Graduates of this level of education are granted a Diploma de absolvire (Graduation Diploma). Post-secondary non-tertiary level of education is being carried out in the following types of educational units:
- post-secondary non-tertiary schools;
- foreman schools;
- post-secondary non-tertiary schools for students with disabilities;
9. Tertiary level of education - level 5 ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013) - admission in this level of education is conditioned by attending the upper-secondary level of education. Tertiary education is structured as: short cycle (a 2-3 academic years duration ended in a graduation diploma) and long cycle (4-6 academic years, graduated with a Bachelor's Degree diploma).
Since 2013, according to the new International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 2011, Bachelor studies consist of levels 6 and 7 education - ISCED 2011 which include Bachelor education with a duration of 3-4 years (level 6 - ISCED 2011) and Bachelor education with a duration of 5, 6 years (level 7 - ISCED 2011). Level 7 - ISCED 2011 also includes Master studies and Post-graduate studies; level 8 - ISCED 2011 corresponds to Doctoral studies and Advanced Research Post-doctoral Programs.
As of year 2014, ISCED-F 2013 classification is used. It was adopted in 2014 following the ISCED-2011 education levels revision.
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical surveys carried out at the beginning of school year (academic year) in educational units: 1.Early childhood education (ISCED levels 01) details 2.Pre-school education (ISCED level 02) details 3.Primary (ISCED level 1) and secondary (ISCED level 2) education details 4.Special primary ISCED level 1) and secondary (ISCED level 2) education details 5.High school education (ISCED level 3)details 6.Vocational education (ISCED level 3) and post high school education (ISCED level 4) details 7.Tertiary education (ISCED levels 6,7 and 8) details |
Methodology |
The education level according to the International Classification of Educational Standards - ISCED 97 (until 2013) / ISCED 2011 (after 2013). Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
AUG 31, 2024 |
Observations |
For 1990 to 1994, data are not available because enrollment in special needs primary and lower secondary education (separately for each level) as well as enrollment in vocational and post-secondary education haven't been observed by rural and urban area.
Data for tertiary education are provided by the place (locality) of each faculty.
Data on early childhood and pre-primary education are not included in pre-university education.
Starting with 2011 (academic year 2011/2012), data are no longer available for the short-cycle academic education due to the fact that this programme is no longer being organized in the educational system in Romania. Consequently, 2012 and 2013 data on students enrolled in Bachelor's degree programs - total and foreign students - equals that of long cycle tertiary education students - total and foreign students.
Starting with the school year 2014/2015, this indicator also includes data on the number of children enrolled in nurseries.
Starting with 2019 (academic year 2019/2020), the educational level Tertiary education - doctoral and postdoctoral programs will have the following name: Tertiary education - doctoral and advanced research postdoctoral programmes.
Data on students enrolled in short and long cycle tertiary education - total and foreign students - are available as of the year 1997.
Responsible person |
Cirlig Tamara, tel 0213181824/42, int 1235/2354, e-mail:tamara.cirlig@insse.ro |