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SOM102A - Annual expenditures to unemployed social protection by expenditure categories, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Categories of expenditure for unemployed social protection Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Millions lei, lei RON, thousands lei RON, millions lei RON (from 2005)

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SOM102A - Annual expenditures to unemployed social protection by expenditure categories, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition Expenditures for unemployed social protection include:
Unemployment indemnity (according to the law no. 76/2002 regarding ensurance system for unemployment and stimulation of labour force, in force on 1 march 2002) is a partial compensation of income granted to the unemployed after losing their jobs or to the graduates of educational institutions, as well as income in completion, according to the G.P.O no. 170/2001 regarding the alleviation of social impact, as a result of re-organisation process of defence production sector, G.P.O no.175/2003 regarding defence industry, G.P.O no.8/2003 regarding stimulation of restruction process, reorganisation and privatization of an national societies, national companies and comercial societies with social majority capital, G.P.O no.113/2003 regarding social protection of the employes who lost their jobs trought colective dismissal from sanitary sector, according to the restructuring and re-organisation process and G.P.O. no. 115/2003 regarding privatisation of S.C. Roman-S.A Brasov and constituation of industrial park on S.C. Roman-S.A. Brasov platform).
Supported allowances represent the amount give to the persons who beneficiate of unemployment benefit, or professional integration benefit and who could not be get employed. Supported allowances is granted trought a period of all most 18 months (according to the Law 1/1991, republished in 1994 and completed trougth G.P.O. no. 47/1997)
Expenditure for vocational training represent expenditure for the qualification, re-qualification, training and specialization of persons looking for a job; vocational training is done by means of courses, practice and specialization stages, organized by training levels, based on the national plan of vocational training.
The remuneration of the graduates represent the amounts granted to the employers who employed graduates of educational institutions, for indefinite duration. Monthly amount is equal to gross minimum gross salary per country, for a period of 12 months, according to the Law no. 76/2002 - aricle. 80, paragraph 1 with subsequent amendments and completions, art.84 and Law no. 335/2013.
Incentives for unemployed getting employed before expiring their unemployment period represent the amounts paid to complete salary income for unemployed (with experience and graduates of education institutes) according to the Law no. 76/2002 - article. 72 and article 73 with subsequent amendments and completions.
Incentives for labour force mobility represent the amounts granted as installation allowances for persons (unemployed) who get employed before expiring their period of receiving unemployment indemnity in a locality situated at over 50 km distance from their stable domicile locality; and as mobility allowances for persons (unemployed) who get employed before expiring their period of receving unemployment indemnity, in ather locality and, as a result of this fact, they change their stable domicile.Instalation and mobility allowances are established according to the Law no. 76/2002-article 74, 75, 76 with subsequent amendments and completions.
Incentives for employers who hire desavantaged unemployed represent the amounts granted to employers who employed, for indefinite duration, graduates among disabled persons. The monthly amount is established, according to the Law no. 76/2002 - article. 80, paragraph 2.
The compensations granted within the restructuring, privatization and liquidation programs represent the amounts granted to those persons for whom individual employment contracts ceased as a result of collective lays off, (G.O. no. 7/1998 and G.P.O. no. 98/1999 with subsequent amendments and completions).
Activation premium - Unemployed persons registered with employment agencies who do not benefit from unemployment benefit in full-time employment for more than 3 months following the date of registration with employment agencies benefit from a activation premium of 500 lei, non-taxable.
Resettlement premium - a non-taxable relocation premium from the unemployment insurance budget equal to 75% of the amount intended to cover the cost of living in the new home or new residence, but not more than 900 lei.
Other expenditure include the amounts granted as credits to the small and middle enterprises to create new jobs, as well as those needed for the management of unemployment benefit payment fund. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey on registred unemployed and registered unemployment rate details 
Methodology The expenditure for the social protection of the unemployed is as follows:
- Unemployment and professional integration allowance (until 2004);
- Unemployment indemnity; - Support allowance (until 2006);
- Expenditure for professional training;
- Graduates remuneration;
- Incentives for the unemployed getting jobs before their unemployment period expire;
- Incentives for labour force mobility;
- Incentives for employers who hire unfavoured unemployed;
- Compensations paid within the programmes of restructuring, privatization and liquidation;
- Activation premium;
- Resettlement premium;
- Other expenditure(starting in 2017 also includes the activation allowance - art.73 * 2 oug 60/2016 and the relocation allowance art.76 (2) oug 6/2017). 
Last update APR 24, 2024 
Observations Starting with year 2005 the unemployment benefit category was replaced with unemployment indemnity ( unemployed with working experience) according to law no.76/2002 regarding on unemployment insurance system and on incentives for labour force employment.
Starting with year 2005 the professional reintegration benefit category was replaced with unemployment indemnity ( unemployed without working experience) according to law no.76/2002 regarding on unemployment insurance system and on incentives for labour force.
Starting with 2005, the category of support allowance doesn't exist.
Starting with 2005, the expenditure with social protection of unemployed are expressed in lei (RON).

Amounts granted to employers for the settlement of a part of the gross salary of employees kept at work OUG 92/2020 art. 1 + Financial support for concluding the CIM on per. determined for up to 3 months OUG 132/2020 art. 5, para. 1.
Allowance for reducing the working time of employees by at most 50% of the duration provided in CIM OUG 132/2020 art. 1, para. 1.
Financial support for telework activities OUG 132/2020 art. 6, para. 1.
Allowances granted during the temporary suspension of the CIM at the initiative of the employer OUG 30/2020.
Amounts granted to employers for employment of certain categories of persons OUG 92/2020 art. 3, para. 1 and 2.

Data sources National Agency for Employment. The start year for data series is 1993. In 1990 did not exist the legal frame. Unemployment nr.1/1991 Law came into force since 1991. For the period 1991-1992, NAE doesn't have data.
Responsible person Maria Fota;; tel: 0213181824/int 2280 

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