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SOM105A - Unemployment benefits-monthly average: Please select the criteria for your query
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SOM105A - Unemployment benefits-monthly average 
Definition Unemployment benefit and vocational integration allowance represent the amounts granted at the request of eligible persons, according to Law no. 1/1991, republished in 1994 and amended by the Government Priority Ordinance no. 47/1997, for 270 calendar days at most.
The unemployment indemnity (according to Law no. 76/2002 on unemployment insurance system and employment stimulation in force since March 1, 2002) represents a partial compensation of the insured person's income, after losing the jobs or of the income of the graduates of educational institutions and who could not get jobs.
The unemployed registered at the agencies for employment who do not receive unemployment indemnity if they are hired full time for more than 3 months after the date of registration at the agencies for employment, receive an activation allowance of 500 lei, not taxable.
Support allowance represents the amount granted to the persons who got unemployment benefit, or vocational integration allowance and who could not find a job. It is granted for 18 months period at most (according to the Law no. 1/1991, republished in 1994 and amended by the G.P.O. no. 47/1997). 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey on registred unemployed and registered unemployment rate details 
Last update APR 25, 2024 
Observations 1) Starting with 2005, the category unemployment benefit was replaced with unemployment indemnity (unemployed with working experience) according to article 39 of law no. 76/2002 on unemployment insurance system and on incentives for labour force employment.
2) Starting with 2005, the category professional reintegration benefit was replaced with unemployment indemnity (unemployed without working experience) according to the article 40 of law no. 76/2002 on unemployment insurance system and on incentives for labour force employment.
3) The category of support allowance doesn't exist.
Data sources National Agency for Employment. The starting year for data series is 1991 because the unemployment nr.1/1991 Law came into force since 1991.

Responsible person Maria Fota;; tel: 0213181824/int 2280 

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