TCK0332 - Target 3 - Social - Share of live births who received medical assistance at birth in the total number of live births |
Definition |
The share of live births that received medical care at birth in the total number of live births represents the births in which the qualified medical staff participated in a certain period of time. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
NIS: Statistical survey on natality |
Methodology |
The share of live births who received medical care at birth in the total number of births is calculated as the number of births attended by qualified medical staff expressed in the total number of live births per 1000. |
Last update |
MAR 07, 2024 |
Observations |
Until 2011, the number of live-biths included live-births whose mothers have their permanent residence in Romania and whose birth was registered at Civil Status Offices within Romania.
Beginning with 2012 are included only those live-births whose mothers had their usual residence in Romania and whose birth was registered at Civil Status Offices within Romania. Usual residence means the place at which a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage or, in default, the place of legal or registered residence. The statistical data are constantly revised, according to the Revision Policy of INS. Thus, the data for 2020 have been modified and are of "revised". Data prior to 2020 will not be revised. The revised data on vital events (live-births) for the year T represents the absolute final data related to vital events (live-births) recorded in year T, to which were added vital events (live-births) belatedly recorded in years (T+1), (T+2) and the first four months of (T+3), but that occurred in year T. - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. - For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: datestat@insse.ro or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Logofatu Georgiana Ioana, e-mail: georgiana.bunea@insse.ro, int. 2027 |