Definition |
Population enrolled in pre-university education (formal education), distributed by ethnicity, includes all the children in nurseries and kindergartens, primary, secondary, vocational and post-secondary students in Romania (foreign citizens are not included), enrolled in the training and education process in a school year, regardless of the mode of study (full-time, evening or part-time) they attend, and age. Data on the distribution of the population enrolled in pre-university education by ethnicity refer to children/students enrolled in Romania and do not include data on foreign nationals. SDG4 ? Quality education; 2030 target measured: 4.4 Emphasizing the role of civic education in the educational process, the principles and notions of a peaceful and inclusive sustainable society, gender equality, the values of democracy and pluralism, the values of multiculturalism, preventing discrimination and understanding the perception of others, the importance of eradicating violence with a focus on the phenomenon of school violence; An upward trend in the number of pupils of different ethnicities enrolled in education shows improved access to quality education and an inclusive learning environment for all. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
1.Early childhood education (ISCED levels 01) 2.Pre-school education (ISCED level 02) 3.Primary (ISCED level 1) and secondary (ISCED level 2) education 4.Special primary ISCED level 1) and secondary (ISCED level 2) education 5.High school education (ISCED level 3) 6.Vocational education (ISCED level 3) and post high school education (ISCED level 4) |
Methodology |
ISCED 0-4 education levels, according to the International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED 2011. |
Last update |
JUN 23, 2022 |
Observations |
Legal framework for the calculation of the indicator: - National: a) Law no. 1/2011, as amended and supplemented; b) Law No 226/2009, as amended and supplemented. - European: (a) Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council; b) Commission Regulation (EU) No 912/2013; c) UNESCO-OECD-EUROSTAT-UOE methodology, Lisbon Convention; (d) Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as amended - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. - For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: datestat@insse.ro or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Stan Elena-Sultana, sultana.stan@insse.ro, 0372.317.273 |