TEX0491 - Target 9 - Social - Percentage of students who have successfuly passed the BAC examination (from current year graduates) in the total number of students enrolled in the final grades at the beginning of the school year |
Definition |
Students who have successfully passed the BAC examination consist of the Graduates of the last year of high school education, who took and passed the baccalaureate exam in the year they completed high school (graduates of the current school year). Pupils enrolled at the beginning of the school year in the final year of secondary education represent all pupils in secondary education units included in the training and education process at the beginning of the current school year (final year of secondary education). SDG4 - Quality education; 2030 target measured: 4.9 Substantially increase the number of young people and adults with relevant skills, including vocational skills, facilitating employment, decent work and entrepreneurship. The indicator directly measures the targets set in the sector strategies, such as increasing the share of technological high school graduates reported to have passed the baccalaureate exam. A negative evolution of this indicator would reveal the reduced capacity for further development of the socio-professional activity of this population segment, which would directly influence the well-being of society at large. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Comprehensive statistical surveys in the field of formal education carried out by NSI for the beginning of each school/academic year. 3.High school education (ISCED level 3) - the final school/academic year |
Last update |
APR 28, 2022 |
Observations |
Tertiary education data are provided by the place (locality) of each faculty. Legal framework for the calculation of the indicator: - National: a) Law no. 1/2011, as amended and supplemented; b) Law No 226/2009, as amended and supplemented. - European: (a) Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council; b) Commission Regulation (EU) No 912/2013; c) UNESCO-OECD-EUROSTAT-UOE methodology, Lisbon Convention; (d) Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as amended - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. - For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: datestat@insse.ro or by phone at: 021-3181824 ? extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Stan Elena-Sultana, sultana.stan@insse.ro, 0372.317.273 |