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TFE4101 - Target 10 - Social - Loans to households: Please select the criteria for your query
Loans to households Currency Years MU: LEI million

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TFE4101 - Target 10 - Social - Loans to households 
Definition Loans are funds lent to customers, excluding placed deposits and negotiable debt securities. Loans granted to households and non-profit institutions in the service of households are broken down into:
1) consumer loans: loans granted for financing in particular the personal consumption of goods and services (cars, furniture, household appliances, electronics, holidays and other such goods and services). The consumer loan granted to individual enterprises / associations of persons without legal personality is included in this category if the loan is used mainly for personal consumption;
2) housing loans: loans granted for the purpose of investing in housing for own use or for rent, including for the purpose of construction or for the purpose of renovating homes. These include secured loans with residential properties that are used for the purpose of purchasing homes, as well as other loans for the purchase of homes made on the basis of a personal guarantee or other forms of assets. Loans for housing granted to individual enterprises / associations of persons without legal personality are included in this category, unless the home is used mainly for business development, in which case it is reported in the category of loans for business development;
3) loans for business development: loans granted to family associations and individual enterprises, other than those registered in the categories of loans for consumption and loans for housing;
4) loans for other purposes: loans granted to households and non-profit institutions in the service of households, other than loans for consumption, loans for housing and loans for business development. Loans for refinancing granted to households and non-profit institutions in the service of households fall into the category in which the refinanced loan is included. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources National Bank of Romania 
Methodology The data for the elaboration of the monetary indicators are reported according to the NBR Regulation no. 4/2014, Title I, Chapters I and II, where the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. ECB Regulation (EC) No 1071/2013 of 24 September 2013 on the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (recast) (ECB / 2013/33). Until December 2014, these data were reported according to NBR Regulation no. 31/2011. The balance of loans at the end of the reference month does not include accrued interest receivable that has not reached maturity. The balance of loans at the end of the reference month includes non-performing loans. 
Last update MAR 28, 2024 
Observations -Data may be subject to review.
-Series available since 2008.
- For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
- For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Cornelia Barti, e-mail: tel: 0213181824/int. 1317 

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