TFQ0529 - Target 2 - Social - Number of victims of domestic violence by type of social services provided to victims, as recorded by the administrative services |
Definition |
Number of victims of domestic violence by type of social services provided to victims has been calculated by unique summation of the persons who suffered any form of domestic violence and who received social services (primary counselling, social counselling, psychological counselling, legal counselling, mediation, court representation, social assistance, medical assistance and care, settlement of forensic certificates, hosting, other forms of social protection) in the records of the General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) and was distributed according to type of social services provided to victims. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men - Database on monitoring the victims of domestic violence |
Methodology |
The data refer to the victims of domestic violence, as defined in Law No. 217/2003 for preventing and combating domestic violence. A person can benefit from several types of services, so the sum of persons by types of social services can be greater than the total number of persons (number of victims). In accordance with Art. 3 of the Law No. 217/2003, domestic violence means any inaction or intentional action of physical, sexual, psychological, economic, social, spiritual or cyber violence, which occurs in the family or domestic environment or between spouses or ex-spouses, as well as between current or former partners, whether the perpetrator lives or has lived with the victim. In accordance with Art. 8 (6) of the Law No. 217/2003 for the prevention and combating of domestic violence, republished, the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES), as a governmental institution with powers in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence, is responsible for drawing up the national situation regarding the victims of domestic violence and the aggressors who benefit from the provision of existing social services at the level of each county, as well as regarding the situation of social services for preventing and combating domestic violence. In this regard, ANES collects and centralizes the database on domestic violence at national level, in accordance with the data extracted from the reports submitted by the General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC), based on the information provided by all institutions and organizations at county level with powers in the field of violence, respectively at the level of Bucharest Municipality sectors. The situation of victims of violence, by forms of domestic violence refers to the cases registered by each DGASPC during the reference year. |
Last update |
SEP 09, 2024 |
Observations |
Multiple indicator - also selected for the Sustainable Development Goal 16 Target 4 (TSH1647 indicator). For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. For further details you can contact us at the following e-mail address: datestat@insse.ro or phone number: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Iota Beatrice; beatrice.iota@insse; phone: 0213181879, int 1879; |