TFT0522 - Target 2 - Social - The number of victims of domestic violence offence per 100,000 inhabitants, macroregions, development regions and counties |
Definition |
The number of victims of domestic violence offence reported to the police per 100,000 inhabitants was calculated by dividing the number of victims of domestic violence reported to the police, to the resident population on July 1st of each reference year and is expressed in the number of victims per 100,000 inhabitants. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) - Statistical registers of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police for the absolute data regarding the number of victims of domestic violence offences reported to the police |
Methodology |
The data refer to the victims of domestic violence offences as specified in the Law no. 217/2003 for preventing and combating domestic violence.
The distribution by counties and the Bucharest Municipality was made based on the place where the offence was reported.
As specified in the Law no. 217/2003, art.3, domestic violence means any inaction or intentional action of physical, sexual, psychological, economic, social, spiritual or cyber violence, which occurs in the family or domestic environment or between spouses or ex-spouses, as well as between current partners or ex-partners, whether the offender lives or has lived with the victim.
As specified in the Law no. 217/2003, art. 4, domestic violence can take the following form:
a) verbal violence - addressing through an offensive, brutal language, such as the use of insults, threats, degrading or humiliating words and expressions;
b) psychological violence - imposing of personal will or control, causing tension and psychological suffering in any way and by any means, by verbal threat or in any other way, blackmail, demonstrative violence against objects and animals, ostentatious display of weapons, neglect, control of personal life, acts of jealousy, coercion of any kind, stalking, surveillance of the residence, workplace or other places frequented by the victim, making telephone calls or other communications by means of transmission to distance, which by frequency, content or the moment they are made creates fear, as well as other actions with similar effect;
c) physical violence - physical injury and damage to health by hitting, pushing, slamming, pulling hair, stabbing, cutting, burning, strangling, biting, in any form and of any intensity, including disguised as a result of some accidents, by poisoning, intoxication, as well as other actions with similar effect, subjecting to exhausting physical exertion or to activities with a high degree of risk for life or health and bodily integrity, other than those from in point e);
d) sexual violence - sexual assault, imposing degrading acts, harassment, intimidation, manipulation, brutality in order to maintain forced sexual intercourse, marital rape;
e) economic violence - prohibition of professional activity, deprivation of economic means, including deprivation of primary means of livelihood, such as food, medicines, essential necessities, the act of intentional removal of a person's goods, prohibition of the ownership, use and disposes of common goods, unfair control of common goods and resources, refusal to support the family, imposing heavy and harmful work that are detrimental to the health, including to an underage family member, and other actions with a similar effect;
f) social violence - imposing isolation from family, community and friends, prohibiting the attendance at school or workplace, prohibiting/limiting professional achievement, imposing isolation, including in the common dwelling, deprivation of access in the living quarter, dispossession of personal identification documents, intentional deprivation of access to information, as well as other actions with similar effect;
g) spiritual violence - underestimating or diminishing the importance of satisfying moral-spiritual needs by prohibiting, limiting, ridiculing, penalizing the aspirations of family members, access to cultural, ethnic, linguistic or religious values, prohibiting the right to speak in the mother tongue and to teach children to speak their mother tongue, imposing adherence to unacceptable spiritual and religious beliefs and practices, as well as other actions with similar effects or similar repercussions;
h) cyber violence - online harassment, online messages inciting hatred based on gender, online pursuing, online threats, non-consensual publication of information and intimate graphic content, illegal access to interception of communications and private data and any other form of misuse of information and communication technology via computers, smartphones or other similar devices that use telecommunications or can connect to the Internet and can transmit and use social or e-mail platforms, aiming to shame, humiliate, frighten, threaten, silence the victim.
(1) As specified in the Law no. 217/2003, art. 5, family member means:
a) ascendants and descendants, brothers and sisters, their spouses and children, as well as persons who became relatives by adoption, according to the law;
b) spouse and/or ex-spouse; siblings, parents and children from other relationships of the spouse or ex-spouse;
c) persons who have established relations similar to those between spouses or between parents and children, current partners or ex-partners, regardless of whether or not they lived with the perpetrator, the ascendants and descendants of the partner, as well as their siblings;
d) the legal guardian or other person who exercises in fact or in law the rights towards the child;
e) the legal representative or other person who takes care of the person with mental illness, intellectual disability or physical disability, except for those who undertake these attributions in the discharge of professional duties.
(2) As provided for in the current law, the victim means the natural person who is subject to one or more forms of violence, as provided for in art. 4, including children who have witnessed these forms of violence. |
Last update |
DEC 03, 2024 |
Observations |
The distinct quantification of victims of domestic violence was implemented in the statistical system of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police with the entry into force of the New Criminal Code, therefore the data are available starting with February 1st, 2014.
Multiple Indicator - also selected for the Sustainable Development Goal 16 Target 3 (TRX1633 indicator).
- For further details access quality profile of the indicator. - For further details you can contact us at the following e-mail address: datestat@insse.ro or phone number: 021-3181824 - extension 1278.
Responsible person |
Silvia Chiorean;silvia.chiorean@insse.ro; tel: 0213181879,int.1879;iuliana Negru;0213181842,int.1441;iuliana.negru@insse.ro |