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TJT0912 - Target 1 - Environment - Number of passengers and goods (tons), by modes of transport: Please select the criteria for your query
Passengers/goods Mode of transport Macroregions and development regions Years Measure units

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TJT0912 - Target 1 - Environment - Number of passengers and goods (tons), by modes of transport 
Definition The indicator refers to the number of passengers which, during the reference period, made the journeys using means of transport specific to each mode of transport, in interurban and international transport and to the quantity of goods transported during the reference period, with the means of transport specific to each mode of transport. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey on air transport of passenger and freight
Statistical survey on inland waterway transport
Statistical survey on maritime ports transport
Statistical survey on passenger transport by inland waterways
Statistical survey on passenger transport by rail
Statistical survey on rail freight transport
Statistical survey on road freight transport
Statistical survey on road passenger transport 
Methodology The railway transport includes the passengers leaving the stations on the national railway network regardless of the destination and the passengers entering through the border stations.
Road transport includes passengers transported by buses, including minibuses.
In air transport, passengers transported by commercial air services are included and passengers transported on aircraft by national operators.
Shipping includes cruise passengers on the trip - entrances.
The data regarding the road transport of goods include the goods transported with vehicles for road transport of goods, registered in Romania, with a maximum authorized payload of at least 3.5 tons, activating on the basis of a valid goods transport license.
Rail transport includes the activity of rail freight companies operating on the railway network.
Maritime and inland waterway transport include goods transported by sea or inland waterway vessels, regardless of their nationality of registration.
Air transport includes freight and mail transported by commercial air services. 
Last update APR 29, 2024 
Observations The statistical data on road transport comply with European legislation since 1998, those on air transport since 2002 and those on rail transport, maritime transport and inland waterway transport since 2004.
The breakdown of airport passenger transport by development regions was done according to the premises of the airport where passengers boarded/disembarked.
The differences between the total data and the values obtained from summation of the various structures used are due to rounding.

For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Alida Turcanu;; tel. 1438 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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