TKC0933 - Target 3 - Environment - The share of raw wood exported in the exploited wood |
Definition |
Volume of wood exploited represents working wood and the fuel wood harvested and collected. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Eurostat database: https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=for_basic&lang=en |
Methodology |
For exported wood - the Intrastat statistical declarations collected by the NIS directly from the economic operators which have a value of intra-EU exports of goods or/and a volume of intra-EU imports of goods that exceed(s) the Intrastat statistical threshold for each flow and reference year and which meet the conditions laid down in Law No 422/2006. For the volume of exploited wood - Methodology for determining the volume of exploited wood by economic operators with forestry activity, approved by the ORDER of the President of NIS no.617 of 09.02.2011. The wood exploited can be collected on its own or with service providers, from the surface of the woodlots or from the surface affected by accidental products, including the one in the primary platforms. The exports of goods include all goods which, whether for consideration or free of charge, leave the economic territory of the country for the rest of the world. |
Last update |
MAY 24, 2024 |
Observations |
For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: datestat@insse.ro or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Scarlat Valentina, e-mail: valentina.scarlat@insse.ro, phone: 0372317298 |