TMI1163 - Target 6 - Environment - The intensity of the tree injury by the degree of defoliation of the crown |
Definition |
Defoliation expresses the loss of leaves or needles from the crown of a tree, compared to another tree whose foliage is complete (reference tree). |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
http://icp-forests.net/page/data-submission The activity of monitoring the health status of forests in Romania is carried out under the auspices of CLRTAP (Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) and Regulation (EEC) No 3528/1986 of the Council of the European Union.
The annual evaluations on the health status of forests have been carried out since 1987 within a transnational systematic network with a density of one survey per 25600 ha (16 x 16 km) and with a low intensity of surveillance at the level of the permanent sample surface (SPP) (Level I).
This network includes a number of 260 surveys and is not representative in Romania (the sampling error being +/- 8%), the results showing only the dynamics of the evolution of the health status from one year to another and even for longer periods of the past. The information obtained from this network, regarding the Romanian forests are integrated at European level with those obtained from similar networks of the ICP-Forests member countries (the error being +/- 1.3%) |
Methodology |
Defoliation is estimated by visual assessment, using as reference a tree of the same species, with complete foliage, located in the immediate vicinity of the sample place (survey) or photo images applicable to species in our country. Recording is done in percentages, by rounding to the nearest value divisible by 5 (e.g. 0, 5, 10, 15...100). In dense stands, the upper half of the crown will be taken into account for assessment, and in less dense stands, the middle and upper third of the crown. Defoliation is considered as a reduction in the assessable crown density of trees, which is less influenced by natural morphological differences between trees. When estimating defoliation, the loss of needle sets, defoliation of existing branches, and reduction of leaf or needle size (except in years with abundant fruiting) will be taken into account. In the case of non-homogeneous reduction of crown density, the assessment of the defoliation percentage will be done as a weighted average of the values estimated separately for the parts of the crown defoliated homogeneously and non-homogeneously respectively. The intensity of tree damage according to the percentage of crown defoliation is established according to the methodology adopted at European level as follows: - defoliation class 0 (0-10%) - healthy tree; - defoliation class 1 (11-25%) - weakly damaged tree; - defoliation class 2 (26-60%) - moderately damaged tree; - defoliation class 3 (61-99%) - strongly damaged tree and - defoliation class 4 (100%) - dead tree. https://www.icp-forests.org/pdf/manual/2016/ICP_Manual_2017_02_part04.pdf |
Last update |
MAR 27, 2024 |
Observations |
For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: datestat@insse.ro or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Scarlat Valentina, e-mail: valentina.scarlat@insse.ro, phone: 0372317298 |