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TOB1262 - Target 6 - Environment - Contribution to the environmental fund of economic operators for the amount of waste in unrecovered packaging: Please select the criteria for your query
YEARS/MU Years MU: Thousands lei, lei RON (from 2005)

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TOB1262 - Target 6 - Environment - Contribution to the environmental fund of economic operators for the amount of waste in unrecovered packaging 
Definition The indicator provides information on the contribution to the environmental fund of economic operators for the amount of waste from unrecovered packaging.
It constitutes income to the Environment Fund:
a contribution of 2 lei/kg, due by the economic operators that introduce on the national market packaged goods, which distribute for the first time on the national market sales packaging, and by the economic operators that rent, in any form, professionally, packaging, for the difference between the quantities of packaging waste corresponding to the minimum recovery or incineration objectives in incineration plants with energy recovery and recovery by recycling provided in annex no.3 and the quantities of packaging waste entrusted for recovery or incineration in incineration plants with recovery energy and capitalized by recycling. " according to the provisions of Art.9 paragraph 1 letter d) of GEO no.196 / 2005 regarding the Environmental Fund, with the subsequent modifications and completions.
The indicator is an economic-financial instrument designed to support and implement projects and programs for environmental protection, one of these programs being waste management. As a result, this indicator can be used to monitor progress towards responsible consumption and production. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Administration of the Environmental Fund - 
Methodology The indicator is calculated according to the legal provisions:
The declarations of the economic operators submitted based on Art. 10 paragraph 3 of GEO no. 196/2005 regarding the Environmental Fund, with the subsequent modifications and completions.
The tax declarations drawn up following the fiscal controls performed based on Art.3 paragraph 3 letter j) of GEO no. 196/2005 regarding the Environmental Fund, with the subsequent modifications and completions.
Order no. 578/2006 regarding the Methodology for calculating the contributions and taxes due to the Environmental Fund, with the subsequent modifications and completions.
The methodology reproduces the mathematical formula of calculation, with the definition of the specific situations that can appear from the performed calculation. 
Last update JUN 13, 2024 
Observations - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
- For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Nela Nadrag; e-mail:; extension 2184 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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