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TOY1333 - Target 3 - Environment - POPULATION COVERED BY THE SIGNATORIES TO THE COVENANT OF MAYORS: Please select the criteria for your query
Population covered by the signatories to the Covenant of Mayors Years Measure units

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Definition The indicator provides information on the total and share of the population covered by the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
The share of the population covered by the Covenant of Mayors represents the percentage ratio between the population of the localities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors in one country and the total population of that country. The signatories of the Convention of mayors with the status of "pending/suspended" are excluded.
The signatories of the Covenant of Mayors are committed to adopting an integrated approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation, they must develop, in the first two years after accession, an action plan on sustainable energy and climate, in order to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and increase resilience to climate change.
The Convention of Mayors for Climate and Energy is open to all local authorities regardless of their size and regardless of the stage of implementation of their energy and climate policies.
Neighboring local authorities, small and medium in size, may also decide to join, under certain conditions, as a group of signatories.
The indicator is used to monitor progress in the direction of SDG 13 on climate action, which is included in the European Commission's priorities in the European Green Pact, aims to implement the commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to operationalize the Fund. green for climate. It aims to strengthen the resilience and capacity of countries to adapt to climate hazards and natural disasters by integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation measures into national strategies, policies and planning. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy -
Methodology The population covered by the signatories is calculated by the sum of the population of the localities that signed the Covenant of Mayors in a country.
The share of the population covered by the Covenant of Mayors
This indicator is calculated by reporting the population of localities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors in a country to the total population of the country, multiplied by 100.
Calculation formula:
X_ =A_1/A_2 x 100
X Share of the population covered by the Covenant of Mayors
A1 Population of the localities that signed the Covenant of Mayors
A2 Total population of the country esmsip2.htm 
Last update DEC 19, 2023 
Observations - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
- For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Nela Nadrag; e-mail:; extension 2184 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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