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TQG1516 - Target 1 - Environment - PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS OF ROMANIA (SURFACES): Please select the criteria for your query
Protected areas Years MU: Hectares

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Definition Protected areas represents terrestrial, aquatic and/or underground areas, with legally settled perimeter and with a special protection and preservation regime, where wild plants and animal species, bio - geographic elements and formations or of other nature, with special ecological, scientific or cultural value exist and include:
- biosphere reserves - protected natural areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of a natural habitat areas and of specific biologic diversity. They include a complex of terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystems, lakes and water courses humid areas with unique flora and fauna biocenotic communities, with natural harmonious landscapes or resulted from the traditional arrangement of the territory, ecosystems modified under human influence and which could be brought back to natural state, human communities whose existence is based on natural resources capitalization based on the durable and harmonious development principle;
- national parks - natural protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of representative samples for the national bio - geographic space, including natural elements with a special value from a physico - geographical aspect flora, fauna, hydrological, geological, paleontological, speological, pedological point of view or of another nature, giving the possibility of visiting them for scientific, educational, recreative and touristic purpose;
- natural parks - natural protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of landscape piles in which human activities interactions in time created a distinct area, with landscape and/or cultural significant value, often with a great biological diversity;
- scientific reserves - natural protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of terrestrial and/or aquatic natural habitats, including representative elements of scientific interest from flora, fauna, geological, speological, paleontological, pedological point of view or of other nature;
- natural reserves - natural protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of important natural habitats and species from flora, fauna, forestry, hydrological, geological, speological, paleontotogical, pedological point of view;
- natural monuments - natural protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of natural elements and of ecological, scientific, landscape special significance, represented by wild plants and animal species, rare, endemic or endangered, secular trees, flora and fauna associations, geological phenomena - caves, erosion aspects, qorges, water courses, waterfalls and other types of geological manifestations and formations, fossils deposits and other natural elements with a natural patrimony value being unique or rare;
- wetlands of international importance are those protected natural areas whose purpose is to ensure the protection and preservation of the natural sites with a wetland-specific biological diversity.
- special protection areas are those protected natural areas whose purpose is the preservation, maintenance and where necessary the conservative rehabilitation of the bird species and specific habitats designated for wild migratory bird species protection.
- sites of community interest represent areas located in biogeographical regions, contributing significantly to the maintenance or restoration to a favourable preservation state of the natural habitats mentioned in Annex 2 to the Government emergency ordinance no. 57/2007 or of the community interest species mentioned in Annex 3 to the same ordinance, contributing significantly to the coherence of the Natura 2000 network and/or to the maintenance of the biological diversity in the concerned biogeographical regions.
- natural sites of universal natural heritage - protected natural area containing natural elements whose value is recognize as being of universal importance. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources National Environmental Protection Agency 
Methodology - For scientific reservations, nature monuments, nature reserves, national parks, nature parks, special avifauna protection areas, sites of community importance, natural sites of the Universal Natural Heritage, the areas are the result of GIS limits posted on the MMAP site, proposed to be approved by the draft GD regarding the updating of the Consolidated List of protected natural areas in Romania and of the National Territory Development Plan section III - protected areas, natural areas
- For biosphere reserves, wetlands of international importance and natural sites of the Universal Natural Heritage, the surfaces are those on the sites: 
Last update MAR 11, 2024 
Observations - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
- For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Alexandra Tudose, e-mail:, int. 2184 

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