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TEMPO - HOME >>> GOAL 15 LIFE ON LAND >>> TRC1561 - Select criteria
TRC1561 - Target 6 - Environment - Area of forest stock land covered by cutting: Please select the criteria for your query
Wodcutting categories Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Hectares

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TRC1561 - Target 6 - Environment - Area of forest stock land covered by cutting 
Definition Cutting area represents lots surface of which the timber was harvested.
This area corresponds to the act of turning into account if the timber was harvested entirely or should be reduced proportionally to the surface with wood left on foot not harvested at the end of year.
1. Regeneration cutting - timber cutting made in the framework of forestry treatments for the passage of the forest from one generation to another, which mainly aims to ensure their natural regeneration and the realization of optimal structures under functional relation. Depending on the management regime adopted (the forest regime or the coppice regime), the cutting regeneration can be in the forest or in the coppice.
2. Substitute cuttings - the operation of restoring the poorly productive and degraded stands by integral extraction of the stand through a single cutting, in order to restore or replace with other species better adapted to the seasonal and vegetation conditions.
3. Fostering cuttings in young forests - all cuttings of brush care and leading, carried out since their installation till begining of regeneration cuttings, according to the purpose husbandry.
4. Forest hygienic and cleaning operations - taking out hygienic products resulted from normal process of natural elimination (cut down, split, punk, attacked by insects trees).
5. Conversion cutting of wooded pastures - cutting of forest vegetation on wooded pastures, within the limits and under the conditions provided for in the conversion studies approved by law.
The regeneration - total category is calculated by summing up the caegories: regeneration in the forest, regeneration in the coppice, substitution-restoration cuttings of poorly productive and degraded stands and conservation cutting. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey Harvested wood volume and cutting wood area 
Methodology Methodology for carrying out statistical research in forestry, approved by ORDER of the President of NIS no.1810 of 2010. 
Last update SEP 04, 2024 
Observations - For further details visit quality profile of the indicator.
- For additional information you may contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. 
Responsible person Nicoleta Dumitrache, e-mail Int. 2474 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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