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TRN133A - Airports traffic: Please select the criteria for your query
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TRN133A - Airports traffic 
Definition Airports transport represents embarkment/disembarkment of passengers and loading/unloading of goods and mail in/from national or foreign aircrafts which take off/land on the airports from Romanian territory, as well as movements of aircrafts on these airports.
Scheduled services are the services possessing all the following characteristics:
a) they are performed by aircraft for the transport of passengers, freight and/or mail for remuneration, in such manner that on each flight sets are available for individual purchase by members of the public (either directly from the airline or from its authorised agents).
b) they are operated so as to serve traffic between the same two or more airport, either according to a published timetable or by with
flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognisably systematic series.
Non-scheduled services are services for remuneration other than those reported under scheduled services, including taxiflights, charter flights and other non-scheduled services.
Number of embarked/debarked passengers are all passengers whose journey begins or terminates at the reporting airport, including connecting passengers (the passengers whose journey is continued with a different flight) but not direct transit passengers.
Freight and mail loaded/unloaded are referred as any property loaded or unloaded on the reporting airport other than stores and baggage, including express services and diplomatic bags but not passenger baggage.
Total aircraft movements on commercial air services-all take-offs and landings performed by civil aircraft for remuneration, for scheduled and non-scheduled services.
Total aircraft movements on non-commercial air services-all take-offs and landings performed by aircrafts for school flights, business and private flights, governmental flights and other non-commercial flights. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources NIS Statistical survey on transport of passenger and freight at airports details 
Methodology Metadata and quality report  
Last update APR 12, 2024 
Observations The first year when the statistic survey has been effectuated is 1999.
Since the reference year 2023, the differences between the data per total and the data obtained by cumulating various structures used are caused by rounding.
Responsible person Turcanu Alida;; tel.0213181827/1440 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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