TRN136A - Passengers transport performance in intercity and international transport, by mode of transport |
Definition |
The variable is measured in passenger-kilometers (pkm), defined as the transport of one passenger over one kilometre. Data refer to passengers transported during the reference period, using means of transport particular to the concerned modes of transport, in intercity and international transport. The variable is compiled for transport by railways, by road and by inland waterways. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
NIS Statistical survey on passenger transport by inland waterways details NIS Statistical survey on passenger transport by road details NIS Statistical survey on transport of passengers by rail details |
Methodology |
Calculation formula: PS = sum for i=1 to n of Pi*Si, where PS = passenger-kilometers, pkm Pi = number of passengers transported simultanoeusly over the same distance Si = the distance traveled by the above mentioned Pi passengers, in km
Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
APR 22, 2024 |
Observations |
Data series for 1990-1993 reference years do not include the activity of private transport operators. Starting with reference year 2008, data on road transport are collected using a methodological approach with licenced passenger road motor vehicle designed to seat more than nine passengers(including the driver) as observation unit. |
Responsible person |
Turcanu Alida; alida.turcanu@insse.ro; tel.0213181827/1440 |