TRN137B - Goods transport, by groups of goods NST/R and mode of transport |
Definition |
The variable comprises the quantity of goods carried during the reference period, by means of transport particular to the concerned modes of transport. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
NIS Statistical survey on maritime transport at ports details NIS Statistical survey on the transport of goods by rail details NIS Statistical survey on transport by inland waterways details NIS Statistical survey on transport by pipelines details NIS Statistical survey on transport of goods by road details |
Methodology |
Road transport data include goods transported by goods road motor vehicles, registered in Romania, with a load capacity of at least 3.5 tonnes, working on the basis of a license valid for goods transport. Railways transport presents the activity of railway undertakings providing services for the transport of goods by rail. Maritime and inland waterways transport present data on goods transported by maritime and inland waterways vessels, regardless the nationality of registration of the vessel. Air transport comprises freight and mail transported by commercial air services. Pipeline transport reflects the quantities of specific goods recorded at pumping out or delivery place. Data are presented by groups of goods (01-24) in NST/R Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised, 1967. |
Last update |
FEB 09, 2011 |
Observations |
Data available up to 2007 reference year. For data starting with 2008 reference year kindly see matrix TRN137C. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2007. After this period, the series continue with the TRN137C matrix |
Responsible person |
Ioana Dina, e-mail: ioana.dina@insse.ro, tel. 0213181824, int. 2303, Ovidiu Parvan, e-mail:ovidiu.parvan@insse.ro, tel. 0213181824, int. 2303 |