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TRN138A - Goods transport performance, by mode of transport : Please select the criteria for your query
Mode of transport Years MU: Millions tonnes-Km

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TRN138A - Goods transport performance, by mode of transport  
Definition The variable represents the volume of goods transport activity, in the reference period.
The variable is expressed in tonnes-kilometers (tkm), unit of measurement of goods transport defined as the transport of one tonne over one kilometer. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources NIS Statistical survey on the transport of goods by rail details
NIS Statistical survey on transport by inland waterways details
NIS Statistical survey on transport by pipelines details
NIS Statistical survey on transport of goods by road details 
Methodology The variable is compiled for transport by railways, by road, by inland waterways and pipelines transport. Statistical data refer to goods transported, during the reference period, by means of transport particular to the concerned modes of transport.

Calculation formula:
TS = sum for i=1 to n of Ri*Si
TS = tonne-kilometers, tkm
Ri = quantity of goods transported simultanoeusly over the same distance
Si = the distance traveled by the above mentioned Ri quantities of goods, in km

Metadata and quality report - inland waterways transport goods

Metadata and quality report - road freight transport

Metadata and quality report - railway transport of goods and passengers

Last update APR 22, 2024 
Observations Road transport data are compliant with the European legislation as from 1998 reference year, those referring to air transport as from 2002 and railways transport,maritime transport and inland waterways transport data as from 2004 reference year.
Road transport of goods data refer to the carriage performed with goods road transport motor vehicles, registered in Romania, with a load capacity of at least 3.5 tonnes, working on the basis of a license valid for goods transport.
Responsible person Ovidiu Parvan,, tel. 0213181824, int. 2303 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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