TRN138D - Goods transport performance by category of dangerous goods and type of road transport |
Definition |
The variable represents the volume of goods transport activity, in the reference period. The variable is expressed in tonnes-kilometers (tkm), unit of measurement of goods transport defined as the transport of one tonne over one kilometer. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
NIS Statistical survey on transport of goods by road details |
Methodology |
Road transport data include goods transported by goods road motor vehicles, registered in Romania.
Calculation formula: TS = sum for i=1 to n of Ri*Si TS = tonne-kilometers, tkm Ri = quantity of goods transported simultanoeusly over the same distance Si = the distance traveled by the above mentioned Ri quantities of goods, in km
Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
APR 11, 2024 |
Observations |
The data are available since 2007. Road transport of goods data refer to the carriage performed with goods road transport motor vehicles, registered in Romania, with a load capacity of at least 3.5 tonnes, working on the basis of a license valid for goods transport. Since the reference year 2023, the differences between the data per total and the data obtained by cumulating various structures used are caused by rounding. |
Responsible person |
Mihalcioiu Carmen; carmen.mihalcioiu@insse.ro; tel.0213181824/1440 |