TSZ1682 - Target 8 - Social - Number of persons who received a final court judgment for corruption and offences in public position |
Definition |
Persons who received a final court judgment for corruption and offences in public position refers to the number of persons with a final court judgment for crimes committed in criminal matters, for one of the acts provided by the Criminal Code, as follows: - Taking a bribe (Art. 289 of the Criminal Code) is the action of the public servant who, directly or indirectly, for themselves or on behalf of others, solicits or receives money or other undue benefits or accepts a promise of money or benefits, in exchange for performing, not performing, speeding up or delaying the performance of an action which falls under purview of their professional duties or with respect to the performance of an action contrary to their professional duties. - Giving a bribe (Art. 290 of the Criminal Code) is the promise, the giving or the offering of money or other benefits, under the conditions provided under Art. 289 of the Criminal Code. The act thus defined does not constitute an offence when the briber was forced by any means by the person who took the bribe. - Influence peddling (Art. 291 of the Criminal Code) means soliciting, receiving or accepting the promise of money or other benefits, directly or indirectly, for oneself or for another, committed by a person who has influence or who alleges that they have influence over a public servant and who promises they will persuade the latter perform, fail to perform, speed up or delay the performance of an act that falls under the latter's professional duties or to perform an act contrary to such duties. - In "other corruption and offences in public position" category are included the offences related to: buying influence (Art. 292 of the Criminal Code), acts committed by members of the courts of arbiters or in connection thereto (Art. 293 of the Criminal Code), acts committed by foreign officials or related to them (Art. 294 of the Criminal Code), embezzlement (Art. 295 of the Criminal Code), abusive conduct (Art. 296 of the Criminal Code), abuse in office (Art. 297 of the Criminal Code), professional negligence (Art. 298 of the Criminal Code), abuse of power for sexual gain (Art. 299 of the Criminal Code), abuse of position (Art. 300 of the Criminal Code), conflict of interests (Art. 301 of the Criminal Code), violating the privacy of correspondence (Art. 302 of the Criminal Code), disclosure of information classified as state secret (Art. 303 of the Criminal Code), disclosure of information classified as service secret or not public (Art. 304 of the Criminal Code), negligence in storing information (Art. 305 of the Criminal Code), illegal monetary gain (Art. 306 of the Criminal Code), diversion of funds (Art. 307 of the Criminal Code), corruption and and offences in public position committed by other persons (Art. 308 of the Criminal Code), acts that resulted in extremely severe consequences (Art. 309 of the Criminal Code). |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Superior Council of Magistracy - Database regarding the persons convicted by a final court judgment |
Methodology |
Persons who received a final court judgment refers to the number of persons definitively convicted for offences committed in criminal matters. In the case of persons convicted for several offences, the most serious offence was recorded in the judicial statistics. The offence is the act provided by the criminal law, committed with guilt, unjustified and imputable to the person who committed it. |
Last update |
MAR 27, 2024 |
Observations |
- For further details visit quality profile of the indicator. - For further details you can contact us at the following e-mail address: datestat@insse.ro or phone number: 021-3181824 - extension 1278. |
Responsible person |
Silvia Chiorean;silvia.chiorean@insse.ro; tel: 0213181879,int.1879;iuliana Negru;0213181842,int.1441;iuliana.negru@insse.ro |