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TUR102C - Existing touristic accommodation capacity by type of establishment, counties and localities: Please select the criteria for your query
Type of establishment of touristic reception Counties Localities Years MU: Places

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TUR102C - Existing touristic accommodation capacity by type of establishment, counties and localities 
Definition The existing (installed) tourist accommodation capacity represents the number of tourist accommodation beds registered in the last reception, homologation and classification document of the tourist accommodation establishment, excepting supplementary beds which which can be installed if necessary.
The basic unit also includes places related to the tourist accommodation units (houselets, camping etc.), complementary to a basic tourist accommodation establishment (hotel, motel, camping etc.) and its use. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical surveys on tourist accommodation capacity of legal and natural persons details 
Methodology Number of places is determinated until 1993 for the establishments existing at the end of the year and starting with 1994 for the establisments existing on July, 31
Metadata and quality report
Last update NOV 14, 2024 
Observations The number and name of localities are in accordance with administrative territorial structure updated for current year.
The content of data, for 1990-2000, is: total, of witch, for categories of units. There are distinguish only few categories of units.
The territorial directions of statistics may make changes to the data for localities investigated last year, but without affecting the county totals and the types of establishments of touristic reception with functions of tourists accommodation.
In the data series ''the urban boarding houses'' have redefined in ''tourist boarding houses'', and agro-tourist boarding houses include rural and agro-tourist boarding houses; ''hunting chalets'' and ''fishing chalets'' are assimilated ''touristic chalets''.
Until 2000 the inns and motels were followed cumulatively.
Start with 2009 ''hotels for youth'' are assimilated ''hostels''.
National Institute of Statistics collects annually statistical data about the tourism accommodation establishments with an existing capacity of 5 bed-places and more.
The data available for 2021 and 2022 are revised compared to those previously published, as a result of the inclusion of the arrivals and overnight stays of tourists staying in apartments and rooms for rent. 
Responsible person Ciobanu Stefan, 021.3181824/1458, 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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