TUR106A - Index of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in function by type of establishment and type of ownership
The index on the net use of the tourist accommodation capacity in function is calculated as the ratio between the total number of stays overnight and the tourist accommodation capacity in function during that period.
Data sources
Statistical survey on occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments details
The data are avalible from the year 1992, year in which this indicator was introduced in the statistica enquiry.
The data for the period 1992 - 1998 are available only for total establishments of touristic reception .
In the data series ''the urban boarding houses'' have redefined in ''tourist boarding houses'', and agro-tourist boarding houses include rural and agro-tourist boarding houses; ''hunting chalets'' and ''fishing chalets'' are assimilated ''touristic chalets''.
Start with 2009 ''hotels for youth'' are assimilated ''hostels''.
National Institute of Statistics collects annually statistical data about the tourism accommodation establishments with an existing capacity of 5 bed-places and more.