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ZBG0331 - Level 7 - Economic - Import of provitamins and vitamins, natural or obtained by synthesis: Please select the criteria for your query
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ZBG0331 - Level 7 - Economic - Import of provitamins and vitamins, natural or obtained by synthesis 
Definition Imports of goods comprise all goods with onerous or free title entering the economic territory of the country coming from the rest of the world
Imports of goods include:
a. foreign goods entering the country for ever, for internal consumption;
b. foreign goods entering the country for processing and re-exportation afterwards;
c. foreign goods re-imported in the country after processing for which they were exported.
Imports of goods do not include:
a. national goods (or nationalized) entering the custom warehouses and re-entered the territory of the same country;
b. entering of transit goods;
c. temporary imports
d. purchasing goods, services and utilities paid in the foreign currency of the joint companies with foreign firms having their headquarters in Romania 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Extra-EU trade in goods details
Intra-EU trade in goods details 
Methodology Statistics of foreign trade with goods are compiled by cumulating the data from INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT systems:
- INTRASTAT system: for intra-EU trade (exchange of goods between Romania and other member states of European Union);
- EXTRASTAT system: for extra-EU trade (exchange of goods between Romania and states which are not member of European Union).
For intra-EU trade:
Intrastat statistical declarations collected by the NIS directly from the trade operators which achieved a value volume of intra-EU dispatches of goods or/and a volume of intra-EU arrivals of goods above the Intrastat thresholds established for each reference flow and which meet the conditions stipulated by Law No. 422/2006.
The percentage of the Intrastat collected data through the Intrastat statistical survey was of over 95.0% of the total trade volume, both for intra-EU arrivals and dispatches of goods. Data estimations were performed for the rest of the 5.0% representing the trade value below the Intrastat thresholds and the non-responses.
For extra-EU trade: The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (NAFA) which collects and processes export and import customs declarations. The economic operators authorized for simplified customs procedures send to NIS export/import data through a statistical form with a predetermined structure. 
Last update JAN 03, 2022 
Observations NC2936 - Provitamins and vitamins, natural or obtained by synthesis (including natural concentrates), and their derivatives used mainly as vitamins, whether or not mixed together, even in various solutions. 
Responsible person Elena Banica -; tel; 1124; Artur Simion -; tel. 1124 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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